It's defiantly a better day. I haven't stopped drinking since the news, but still feel pretty good. I will be waiting on a phone call tomorrow morning, I have a travel agent that is trying to hook me up with a last minute flight to mexico. I think I could handle some serious fucking time off right now. I would only take my Acoustic, Sunglasses, and shorts! No suitcase required - just a backpack. Sit around all week, drinking sours and writing music. I'll have to wait and see what happens. *fingers are crossed* I just need to get away. I don't want to waste this entire week listening to shitty depressing music and feeling sorry for my self. I just want to keep moving forward.
why so sad, my dear?
good luck with the sabbatical. i'm kinda jealous. (not of your situation, or your need for it. just the ability to actually do it.)