If you happen to find yourself inside any kind of state office, and they have one of those 15 month calendars on the wall... check it out. *closely*
They have these little art submissions on top, from various Washington artists, accompanied by a little bio about the artists. Their current work, their schooling, future dreams and ambitions, the fact that they used to work for a fashion label called Oxford Slut, things like that.
For those of you who didn't quite get the full scope of what I meant by that spiel... <i>every state office in Washington has the word "Slut" printed in plain sight, and will for the entirety of 2006</i>.
They have these little art submissions on top, from various Washington artists, accompanied by a little bio about the artists. Their current work, their schooling, future dreams and ambitions, the fact that they used to work for a fashion label called Oxford Slut, things like that.
For those of you who didn't quite get the full scope of what I meant by that spiel... <i>every state office in Washington has the word "Slut" printed in plain sight, and will for the entirety of 2006</i>.
What?! Really?! That is too funny!
hahahah damn morons is to nice of a word for them--I'm back!!--I know a big DUh!--I'm doing ok and I am putting my hospital experience behind me already--*hug*--Missed you luv and will definitely communicate more--Love ya babe