Always good for a laugh: PotterPotterPotterWeasleyWeasley
Me + Harry Potter= Pure Heaven:
Me and my favorite kitten from last Saturday night (yes- she managed to tear me away from Harry, but only because she's special like that)
This week is actually going fast for a change. I have a Burning Man fundraising party to look forward to in SF this weekend complete with breaks, bassnectar, and maybe even some snogging if I play my cards right.
Haha. Snogging. I must begin using that word on a regular basis.
Me + Harry Potter= Pure Heaven:

Me and my favorite kitten from last Saturday night (yes- she managed to tear me away from Harry, but only because she's special like that)

This week is actually going fast for a change. I have a Burning Man fundraising party to look forward to in SF this weekend complete with breaks, bassnectar, and maybe even some snogging if I play my cards right.
Haha. Snogging. I must begin using that word on a regular basis.

Well TK farewell
he snogs an underage girl, LOL!
well, i am done reading it, i have to say, the quality keeps sinking.... three quarters of this book was filler,in my opinion. luckily, the final 4-5 chapters save the day,but this doesn't mean i enjoyed more the previous bits. some chapters could have been totally omitted!
anyway... more of my rants in my journal, but i thought i'd let you know my opinion about it. and what did you think of the book?