I sold my turntables and mixer. This is both good and bad news. It's bad news because I loved them. It's good news because it means I will soon be the proud and lovestruck owner of a brand new iBook. Realistically, my old piece-of-shit iMac from 1999 just isn't cutting it anymore, especially considering how often I am online. I'll use a new iBook more than I would have used my poor neglected turntables. And once I move back in with alcoholickitten, there will be turntables in the house anyway so I wouldn't have really needed mine. Stephen is being awesome enough to split the cost of my new iBook with me. I don't why he's so sweet to me, but I love him all the more for it.
Also, can I just say YUMMY:
mmmmm.... Karl Hyde!
p.s. The more I hear 'King of Snake', the more I am certain that it is a work of pure musical genius. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you are missing out.
Also, can I just say YUMMY:

mmmmm.... Karl Hyde!
p.s. The more I hear 'King of Snake', the more I am certain that it is a work of pure musical genius. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you are missing out.

I was wondering can we be friends