Alas, I will not be making it out to Friends Chill tonight. I am feeling very antisocial and bitter at the moment, and I doubt that my company would prove entertaining to anyone. I also seem to be on the verge of getting sick, so I think it's best if I stay home and cuddle up under my comforter. I hope all of you have TONS of fun.
I heard David Bowie on the radio while driving home today and it reminded me of how much I want him. If he could come to me looking just like he does in Labryinth, complete with spandex and bulging package, I think my life would be complete.

I heard David Bowie on the radio while driving home today and it reminded me of how much I want him. If he could come to me looking just like he does in Labryinth, complete with spandex and bulging package, I think my life would be complete.

We've actually been talking alot lately, almost everyday and things seem to be getting alot better between the two of us but I'm still way confused on where we stand.
We decided to wait until she comes back on Aug. 2nd to come up with that answer so I'll let you know after then. Mabey you could even write her and tell her that you think that I should really go blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda!
Hook it up YO!
I'm not playing dragon lounge till next friday - july 1st ... but I'll see ya there for tipper.
hope you didn't get sick/and you're feelin better~