Personal opinion: Candylac's boobs cannot be real. What's with all the fake boobies lately? First Anishka, now Candylac. Sheesh. I'm sorry, but I don't conisder breast augmentation a "body mod" worthy of the suicide girls.
My shoot is tomorrow. I am nervous but excited. Sometimes I worry that I'm not skinny enough, but then I remember all the beautiful girls like Sinope and Rabbit and I know I'm OK. I think it's normal to feel a little bit self-conscious the night before a set. But I know I'm going to go into my shoot with 100% confidence, and I'll have so much fun with it that it will shine through in the pics.
Wish me luck, everyone!
My shoot is tomorrow. I am nervous but excited. Sometimes I worry that I'm not skinny enough, but then I remember all the beautiful girls like Sinope and Rabbit and I know I'm OK. I think it's normal to feel a little bit self-conscious the night before a set. But I know I'm going to go into my shoot with 100% confidence, and I'll have so much fun with it that it will shine through in the pics.
Wish me luck, everyone!
Hola, chica!
I'm sure your shoot will turn out gorgeous & can't wait to see the pics!
& whaddya mean about Candylac's boobers not being real?! Check out this surrevealing pic, for example: (Imagine me in this pose.). Now, that kind of unnatural lumping has to be indicative of natural breasts!
Anyway, I unfortunately do not think I will be travelling to Lorin's gig tonight. I dunno - the biggest thing is that I just heard samples of his stuff last night and I just have to say that I don't be diggin' it.
Ack! I curse the day I heard Underworld! For on that day, all else fell by the wayside! (Actually, I thought "A Hundred Days Off" was kind of a weak album, so I really mean pre-AHDO UW. Hopefully this next one is full of cock-wrangling beats & tunes...)
Let me know how it goes after you recover!
[Edited on Apr 23, 2005 9:53AM]