My housemates ate all of my boca chick'n patties.
I was soooo looking forward to having one for dinner, but alas, I am now eating yucky canned chili. I am so dirt poor right now that the only reason I have food is because Stephen was nice enough to buy some for me. He bought me the boca patiies. (sigh)
I had an fun weekend. Dancing and drunkenness on Friday evening, hungover but still managed to make a delicious homemade chili with Stephen on Saturday evening. We rented Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome to get a little taste of playa, but I was exhausted and fell asleep. I spent Sunday reading The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Nifffenegger- an amazing book! I was glued to the pages, and never wanted to stop reading. Stephen and I then went to Hillcrest to go to Hambuger Mary's with Ryan. Hamburger Mary's is insanity, especially on a Sunday night. I have never been surrounded by as many gay men as there were at Mary's last night, and this coming from someone who lived in San Francisco for a year and a half! It was drunken fun. And for those who don't know, Hamburger Mary's is a crazy but wonderful gay-cowboy western-hamburger joint-dance club. After drunken silliness, it was off to Ryan's to get our weekly Desperate Housewives fix and then back to Stephen's for a night of fitful sleep and nightmares.
When this week is over, I will no longer be poor. But for now, I need to make $13 stretch all week. Grrrrr. Did I mention that I hate my ex-employer's for cutting my hours without any notice????

I had an fun weekend. Dancing and drunkenness on Friday evening, hungover but still managed to make a delicious homemade chili with Stephen on Saturday evening. We rented Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome to get a little taste of playa, but I was exhausted and fell asleep. I spent Sunday reading The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Nifffenegger- an amazing book! I was glued to the pages, and never wanted to stop reading. Stephen and I then went to Hillcrest to go to Hambuger Mary's with Ryan. Hamburger Mary's is insanity, especially on a Sunday night. I have never been surrounded by as many gay men as there were at Mary's last night, and this coming from someone who lived in San Francisco for a year and a half! It was drunken fun. And for those who don't know, Hamburger Mary's is a crazy but wonderful gay-cowboy western-hamburger joint-dance club. After drunken silliness, it was off to Ryan's to get our weekly Desperate Housewives fix and then back to Stephen's for a night of fitful sleep and nightmares.

When this week is over, I will no longer be poor. But for now, I need to make $13 stretch all week. Grrrrr. Did I mention that I hate my ex-employer's for cutting my hours without any notice????

this may make the money last.
usually i do this, when i am penny-less, anyway. i manage to live rather cheaply sometimes
(i save everything for travels!)