I'm still at home and officially going crazy.
When I called into work this morning, I had just woken up and my voice was all rough and it sounded like I was still really sick. So they asked me to take today off. Grrrarrrr! Of course, I don't want to get the baby sick but I am going absolutely nuts cooped up in my apartment watching movies and playing around online. I WILL be back at work tomorrow.
This cold is soooo getting it's ass kicked.
I had yummy dreams last night, but was sad when I woke up and realized none of them were real. I often dream that I am in love. I dream vividly, in full color and full emotion. Sometimes waking up is like being ripped away from impossible happiness. (sigh) I think I've just been stuck at home too long.

I had yummy dreams last night, but was sad when I woke up and realized none of them were real. I often dream that I am in love. I dream vividly, in full color and full emotion. Sometimes waking up is like being ripped away from impossible happiness. (sigh) I think I've just been stuck at home too long.
You a burner? Me too ^_^ Your star tats are awesomeeee.
... Sorry I'm sleepy ... not much to say ... hows your day going???