I have not been impressed with the sets lately. At least the sets today have creative themes, but I'm not enamoured with the girls. And what was with that girl yesterday in the platinum wig who had NO piercings or tattoos? That's just not right. Blech. I think I'm just picky. I like my girls curvy, pierced, tattooed and with the abilty to make more than one facial expression.
It's been a bad day. I'm depressed, angry and very bitter.
Normally, I would remedy that by bidding on some items on ebay, but I'm not allowed to do that until my first paycheck comes. Damn my employers for cutting my hour so suddenly. Now I'll be dead broke (ie: no money in my bank account) until April 15th. (sigh) Oh, and I'm lonely and need a cuddle from my best friend (Rachel- I miss you
It's been a bad day. I'm depressed, angry and very bitter.

If your next job is miserable you can just see it as a temporary job to get you through to burning man and then to SF! Shit, if you think about it, there are only a few months to go (ok, 5 months, but who is counting?).
Hang in there!!
Jessi and her her old house mates were such bad influences
But things will be better on the plya just barter for things. Dont you wish things were like that here?