Ahs yes ... the eyebrow piercing has returned ...

And on an unrelated note, it is fucking hot outside.
For some reason I seem compelled to say that hypnotoad is great.

All hail hypnotoad!
Is it sad when you sift through countless Cragislist ads only to mock grammatical errors and hypocrisy, having been so jaded against life that the thought of finding anyone interesting doesn't even come into consideration?

And on a related note, why is it starting to seem like *every* woman in my age group in the Craiglist personals is a single mother? Is that the fashionable...
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AHHH HAAA... Sorry, I mean, Im sorry that all the ladies have kids. It does seem to be fasionable these days. A 21 year old girl with a 3 year old clinging to her leg. I wonder where I was during that crazy fad. OH THATS RIGHT... I wasn't getting any... thats where I was! LOL
I hear ya on getting some every now and then! I want all the married with kids... SOMEDAY... but for now, a boyfriend that doesn't carry the "baby daddy" title will do!
I sure do love three day weekends. But the day after always sucks ass. I just want to go home and do nothing again.

Was a pretty good weekend. Didn't do much Saturday and Sunday, just laundry and housework interspersed with drinking martinis and staying up til the wee AM playing Guitar Hero.

Monday I went to my parents' house for a BBQ. My dad...
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A weekend in Monteray and you didn't invite me? Im horribly jealous! Did you have the best time? Im sure you did. Yea its been way too hot here, well you are in FairField. Its been 5degrees or more hotter there then Benicia! YUCKIE! I have a 1 year old neice with a rockin baby pool on Travis Air Base, I know where I will be the next triple digit day!
Thanx for the set comments! kiss

Oh. My. God. I might actually *not* have to work this weekend. It's a Memorial Day miracle!

After two weeks of everything going to hell in a handbasket at work, I finally regained my composure and kicked ass on all the troublesome issues. Systems have finally stabilized and I'm not a fucking wreck all day long.

On the plus side, the last paycheck was kinda...
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Im so excited that I have a long weekend coming up! Its honestly going to Rock! I have never been to Vegas... I say go camping! in the Red Woods... or if you want to stay slightly closer, I say Napa. There is a camp ground not far from a little town... but the camp site is called Bothe.
Either way have fun!
Well suckage. What a long ass week followed by a craptacular weekend. Nothing but problems and service outages at work ... I swear, this place is going to hell in a handbasket lately. And it's not even my fault for once!

Plus, I was all set to teach a Friday-Saturday networking class that started this past weekend. I thought it'd be a lot of fun,...
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You're not supposed to work on weekends! You are supposed to have funa nd get drunk or something cool like that.
Did you enjoy the rain?
Ugh, it's so hard to get back on track after spring break. A whole week off?? And then having to go back for a full week after that? Ugh.

Working in education does have its advantages.

Well, I've been too exhausted (read: lazy) to keep getting up for my 6:30am PE class, so I dropped it and instead renewed my gym membership. I'm going to...
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OH MY GOD that sounds painful! My sister had the same thing happen only it was her industrial piercing! OOOOWWWWEEEE!
So my head is going to explode. I just got back from physics and we're onto relativity. The whole E equals m c squared business. The implications are kinda hairy. Could you imagine if we one day had the understanding and ability to easily convert energy into mass and vice versa?

I remember a discussion one time that revolved around the use of replicators on...
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I have never had a moment where I didn't know where my pants were, but I want to expirence that someday! LOL
Thanks! I love them, its nice to know that other people like them as well!
Updated my pics to include my tattoos.

Check 'em out.

I dare you.
I like the tats! They are very cool... mad props to you!
C'mon, you are supposed to give me to scoop! I have no idea where I am going!!! AHH...
Yeah I so never write in here anymore. I'm lucky to get around to commenting on a thread or two ...

Keep up with me at:
Depreciated Thoughts
it was interesting and very difficult
I have heard of stranger hours!
4am is hard for me to deal with and I AM a morning person!!! Whatever I guess, Im already getting used to it!
Ugh ... hungover.

Actually, the hangover hasn't even started yet. My metabolism is so slow that I'm still in the drunk phase. I figure about lunchtime I'll start to really feel the hangover.

Hung out with Josh and Leslie last night. They're recently broken up, yet still living together in the interim until finances sort themselves out.

It was an awkward evening. See, I was...
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