Its hot.
Real hot.
Sticky hot.
Like your ballsack is stuck to the side of your tigh stickyhot.
Yup that hot.
Anyway its a been a pretty good week since teh last update.
Wed: It was my buddy Chinas Birthday, so we got a bunch of people together to celebrate. We had a nice little Jam session at Robs house for his bandPray For An Atrocity which China has become the new singer.
We had about 9 people to meet us at Outback we all had some delish food, but if youve ever been to the Outback you know how goddamn expensive it is. After we headed up the street for a little FourSqaure action, if you dont know what FourSquare is, its time to go back to grade school. After about 3 hours of that on a full stomach, I was ready to crash out.
Thurs: My buddy Brian picked up the new Unreal Championship game, which was a treat cuz I sold my Xbox a while due to being too broke for my own good. Anyway I like killing things with guns and swords and stuff.
Fri: Friday was my day off, and I didnt do shit for most of the day, it was great. Later that day I had an apointment with my tattoo guy to see the final version of my chest piece. I was stunned when I saw it, to put it simply its fucking badass. I cant wait to get it done at the end of the month. Speaking of tattoo I will not be going to the drawing the wildcard festival, because I have to work and check out apartments. Ill put the picture of the tattoo in my pics soon, I really really really cant wait to get it done, I just hope I have the money.
Sat: After a long boring at work, I went to play street hockey with my boys. We played in a fenced in basketball court so we didnt have to worry about chashing the ball. After my team lost (bullshit btw) we went to Robs to go swimming and then right after we went to this kid Willis' house for some Hot tubin and pool action. I was in the hottub for like 3 hours. My hands were so pruny, like beyond my finger my palms were bad too.
Sun(today):Lazy Lazy Lazy day. Ive cleaning and shit all day. Watching movies on tv. Im pretty much just waiting to hear from my buddy Brian to get off of work so I can come over and play more Unreal.
So finally heres a picture of my soon to be new tatt.

Real hot.
Sticky hot.
Like your ballsack is stuck to the side of your tigh stickyhot.
Yup that hot.
Anyway its a been a pretty good week since teh last update.
Wed: It was my buddy Chinas Birthday, so we got a bunch of people together to celebrate. We had a nice little Jam session at Robs house for his bandPray For An Atrocity which China has become the new singer.
We had about 9 people to meet us at Outback we all had some delish food, but if youve ever been to the Outback you know how goddamn expensive it is. After we headed up the street for a little FourSqaure action, if you dont know what FourSquare is, its time to go back to grade school. After about 3 hours of that on a full stomach, I was ready to crash out.
Thurs: My buddy Brian picked up the new Unreal Championship game, which was a treat cuz I sold my Xbox a while due to being too broke for my own good. Anyway I like killing things with guns and swords and stuff.
Fri: Friday was my day off, and I didnt do shit for most of the day, it was great. Later that day I had an apointment with my tattoo guy to see the final version of my chest piece. I was stunned when I saw it, to put it simply its fucking badass. I cant wait to get it done at the end of the month. Speaking of tattoo I will not be going to the drawing the wildcard festival, because I have to work and check out apartments. Ill put the picture of the tattoo in my pics soon, I really really really cant wait to get it done, I just hope I have the money.
Sat: After a long boring at work, I went to play street hockey with my boys. We played in a fenced in basketball court so we didnt have to worry about chashing the ball. After my team lost (bullshit btw) we went to Robs to go swimming and then right after we went to this kid Willis' house for some Hot tubin and pool action. I was in the hottub for like 3 hours. My hands were so pruny, like beyond my finger my palms were bad too.
Sun(today):Lazy Lazy Lazy day. Ive cleaning and shit all day. Watching movies on tv. Im pretty much just waiting to hear from my buddy Brian to get off of work so I can come over and play more Unreal.
So finally heres a picture of my soon to be new tatt.

C'mon, necrophelia's HOT!