Do you want Dean? You can have Dean! He can carry you on his back like Master Blaster!
I dont like Everyone loves Raymond. But then again Im not everyone.
How come you dont hear the word Snazzy more often?
Its a crying shame.
Ned: Do I have to be Gang Probed?
Homer: Would you rather tell Mod the truth?
Ned: sigh what did the aliens look like?
Homer: Well I didnt get a good look at them cuz they were too busy gang probing you.
Is anyone accually going to see House of Wax.
I hope Im not the only one that thinks that movie is retarded.
Its fucking Wax!
Im having Bloodlust.
I think Im going to watch American Psycho or maybe Boondock Saints.
I wish I had a Hammock right now.
and a beer.
and a lemondae.
Sill Remains New Album Tomarrow.
You should get it.
You should get it.
Get it or youll get Herpes
You should get it.
the cd not the Herpes.
I have a wake tomarrow and a fenural on Wed.

I had the worst stomach ache all morning and most of the afternoon. Painfull stomach ache, I woke up this morning with a post it on my forehead;
Dear Brain,
This is gonna suck, but its your own damn fault you wanted nachos for Family Guy last night.
fuck you.
p.s like your username! i'm fucking loving he is legend right now!! they were soo cool live too!
i like my second set so much more than my first one, I just wish it goes up soon