We arose to our feet, and lifted our glasses in cheer.
Pressing the glass to our lips we drank the innocence down.We danced on the backs of angels, breaking their wings with every step.
As we watched the cities burn down to ashes, we thought to ourselves.
This is the end of everything.....and I couldnt be happier.
In less then 24 motherfucking hours, I leave for Florida.
In the Words of Peter Griffen...
Hey Im on Vacation
Happy Birthday Jesus.
Seven maids a milkin, Six maids a milkin.
FIIIIIIIIVE maids a Milkin!
Ok since this will be the last update of mine, until I return Im gonna fill it up with a bunch of stuff, to keep you all satisfied during my absence. Unless I can steal someones computer.
Two stories from work today.
a. I had a family come in today to look at a chair they saw online and wanted to see what it was really like. They instantly hated the chair, so I show them around and let them look at some of the other chairs we had. 45 minutes these people are here, the problem is the Husband of this freakshow family keeps going back to the same chair, one he swears he doesnt like. Checks out one chair goes back to the blue one, checks out one chair goes back to the blue one. Meanwhile his wife is trying out every other chair moving them around switching their spots, Id start to straighten up, and shes start trying the chairs I just cleaned. The kids are running around the store, knocking over stands and displays, trying out the printers, standing on the chairs. After all that plus more, they leave, didnt buy a goddamn thing, wasted my time and trashed the store. I almost chased them into the parking lot and was gonna beat the husband to death with the chair he kept playing with.
b. Before the chair fiasco, my buddy Bryan that I work with randomly came up to me and said "I wish I was a pirate". After much discussion we came to the understanding that being a pirate now, in this time would be pointless, we were going to be Space Pirates. With the Privatisation of Space Exploration, you could have the greatest time being a space pirate, we went on with this Idea for the last 4 hours we worked.
Eventually everything will have the word "space" in front of it, and I personally cant wait for Admiral Morgans Cyber parot space rum we figured by this time Captian Morgans would have been promoted. We went around the rest of the night deciding who and what type of ppl we would want on our space crew, we knew we needed female Space Pirates or else everyone would think we were "Space BUTT Pirates" and that aint cool.
Thats what my belt says, and we all know belts dont lie.
I have an 1 gig memory card with gives me like 775 pictures, and a 256mb memory card with gives me 195 pics, my camera is a 5.3mp. Expect an assload of pictures from this trip. Im all packed and ready to go, we leave to head to the airport at 6:30am and then the flight leaves a 10am, a quick layover in DC, then my ass will baking in the florida sun.
I should probally get that girl out of my trunk, or at least give her some water.
"Ive never seen some many dead hookers in my life."
Im gonna try and hang out with the lovelyI_Zombie she should try and call me. Wink wink nudge nudge.
I hate my cell phone, Im gonna bite the bullet and pay the cancellation fee when I get back from this trip. Cingular sucks my left testicle, I cant do a two-year contract with them, fuck it.
The next belt I get Im gonna make it say Hollywood, cuz that would be more difficult then Heartless. I wanted to finish my current belt before the convention but I didnt so it just said Heartle. oops.
My friends band PRAY FOR AN ATROCITY finally finished their demo, everyone check out the myspace account. PRAY FOR AN ATROCITY. Hopefully they will do a small east coast tour this summer, if this is true then I will be with them. I do their merch Ive made shirts for them and were working on a new badass design. If anyone wants a free copy of their 5 track demo, email me and Ill send one your way.
That should hold yall for a while. Everyone have a great couple of weeks, I should be back around by the 24th. Maybe eariler, maybe later, If I find myself a small cuban child Im gonna steal him and name him Scarface and raise him as my own.
Pressing the glass to our lips we drank the innocence down.We danced on the backs of angels, breaking their wings with every step.
As we watched the cities burn down to ashes, we thought to ourselves.
This is the end of everything.....and I couldnt be happier.
In less then 24 motherfucking hours, I leave for Florida.
In the Words of Peter Griffen...
Hey Im on Vacation
Happy Birthday Jesus.
Seven maids a milkin, Six maids a milkin.
FIIIIIIIIVE maids a Milkin!
Ok since this will be the last update of mine, until I return Im gonna fill it up with a bunch of stuff, to keep you all satisfied during my absence. Unless I can steal someones computer.
Two stories from work today.
a. I had a family come in today to look at a chair they saw online and wanted to see what it was really like. They instantly hated the chair, so I show them around and let them look at some of the other chairs we had. 45 minutes these people are here, the problem is the Husband of this freakshow family keeps going back to the same chair, one he swears he doesnt like. Checks out one chair goes back to the blue one, checks out one chair goes back to the blue one. Meanwhile his wife is trying out every other chair moving them around switching their spots, Id start to straighten up, and shes start trying the chairs I just cleaned. The kids are running around the store, knocking over stands and displays, trying out the printers, standing on the chairs. After all that plus more, they leave, didnt buy a goddamn thing, wasted my time and trashed the store. I almost chased them into the parking lot and was gonna beat the husband to death with the chair he kept playing with.
b. Before the chair fiasco, my buddy Bryan that I work with randomly came up to me and said "I wish I was a pirate". After much discussion we came to the understanding that being a pirate now, in this time would be pointless, we were going to be Space Pirates. With the Privatisation of Space Exploration, you could have the greatest time being a space pirate, we went on with this Idea for the last 4 hours we worked.
Eventually everything will have the word "space" in front of it, and I personally cant wait for Admiral Morgans Cyber parot space rum we figured by this time Captian Morgans would have been promoted. We went around the rest of the night deciding who and what type of ppl we would want on our space crew, we knew we needed female Space Pirates or else everyone would think we were "Space BUTT Pirates" and that aint cool.

Thats what my belt says, and we all know belts dont lie.
I have an 1 gig memory card with gives me like 775 pictures, and a 256mb memory card with gives me 195 pics, my camera is a 5.3mp. Expect an assload of pictures from this trip. Im all packed and ready to go, we leave to head to the airport at 6:30am and then the flight leaves a 10am, a quick layover in DC, then my ass will baking in the florida sun.
I should probally get that girl out of my trunk, or at least give her some water.
"Ive never seen some many dead hookers in my life."
Im gonna try and hang out with the lovelyI_Zombie she should try and call me. Wink wink nudge nudge.
I hate my cell phone, Im gonna bite the bullet and pay the cancellation fee when I get back from this trip. Cingular sucks my left testicle, I cant do a two-year contract with them, fuck it.
The next belt I get Im gonna make it say Hollywood, cuz that would be more difficult then Heartless. I wanted to finish my current belt before the convention but I didnt so it just said Heartle. oops.
My friends band PRAY FOR AN ATROCITY finally finished their demo, everyone check out the myspace account. PRAY FOR AN ATROCITY. Hopefully they will do a small east coast tour this summer, if this is true then I will be with them. I do their merch Ive made shirts for them and were working on a new badass design. If anyone wants a free copy of their 5 track demo, email me and Ill send one your way.
That should hold yall for a while. Everyone have a great couple of weeks, I should be back around by the 24th. Maybe eariler, maybe later, If I find myself a small cuban child Im gonna steal him and name him Scarface and raise him as my own.

haha noooo i have to see that boy..