You cant eat once you find the Dufrenes.
Mitch Hedburg. RIP
One of my many regets in life will be never being able to see him live.
Anyway Im feeling much better, thank you to everyone who wished me well, cause it work. I better because of you guys.
Ive worked Twice this week, mainly because I was sick and cuz my car was stuck on the other side od Mass. but I have to say its been the best work week ever, I accually enjoyed work today. holy shit huh.
tomorrow I am heading to New York.
and then Im seeing SIN CITY
but then Its the Reading Tattoo convention.
Im excited. really I am this is my excited face, wait wait here its is. did you see it. oh well.
Im really looking forward to meeting ppl.
and drinking with some of those ppl. cuz lets be honest we all like new drinking buddies. and smoking pals.
There is a lot of things I need to do tomorrow before I leave.
Mainly maintenance on the car. and if I dont fix that were kinda fucked. I dont mind if Im fucked but Ill feel bad if I fuck over Lexie. so its up early tomorrow and right to the garage. and then to the liqour store. maybe.
Myspace is being lame, I cant get it work. Arrrg.
Ive been thinking of a few things lately, mainly moving.
Im really ready to get the fuck out of here, and I dont just mean the family house, Ive lived in mass long enough I want to try and make it somewhere where I wont be able to fall back on my parent for help. Ive been looking at Chicago, Alabama, Florida and Cali. I just want someone to move in with. anytakers.
wow long update for my ass.
So your are all aware of the plans for the weekend now.
What are yours ?
will you be at said convo ?
Will I meet you. who knows.
Ive been listening to Converge like its mah jawb.
What are you listening too lately ?
Mitch Hedburg. RIP

One of my many regets in life will be never being able to see him live.

Anyway Im feeling much better, thank you to everyone who wished me well, cause it work. I better because of you guys.

Ive worked Twice this week, mainly because I was sick and cuz my car was stuck on the other side od Mass. but I have to say its been the best work week ever, I accually enjoyed work today. holy shit huh.
tomorrow I am heading to New York.
and then Im seeing SIN CITY
but then Its the Reading Tattoo convention.
Im excited. really I am this is my excited face, wait wait here its is. did you see it. oh well.
Im really looking forward to meeting ppl.
and drinking with some of those ppl. cuz lets be honest we all like new drinking buddies. and smoking pals.

There is a lot of things I need to do tomorrow before I leave.
Mainly maintenance on the car. and if I dont fix that were kinda fucked. I dont mind if Im fucked but Ill feel bad if I fuck over Lexie. so its up early tomorrow and right to the garage. and then to the liqour store. maybe.
Myspace is being lame, I cant get it work. Arrrg.

Ive been thinking of a few things lately, mainly moving.
Im really ready to get the fuck out of here, and I dont just mean the family house, Ive lived in mass long enough I want to try and make it somewhere where I wont be able to fall back on my parent for help. Ive been looking at Chicago, Alabama, Florida and Cali. I just want someone to move in with. anytakers.
wow long update for my ass.
So your are all aware of the plans for the weekend now.
What are yours ?
will you be at said convo ?
Will I meet you. who knows.
Ive been listening to Converge like its mah jawb.
What are you listening too lately ?
getting out of mass and heading for california myself.
i suggest it.
have a nicer weekend