First and Foremost: Thank You to everyone for their birthday Wishes.
In Grattitude I will grant everyone One Wish*
Please dont wish for world peace, we all know that aint gonna happen.
I had a great weekend, I headed up to Chinas college.
Right when I got their I went out to dinner and such, we stopped by Salvation Army and I found a FurLined Vest for 8 bucks its pretty pimp(no real fur, no animals were harmed in the making of this entry). We went to dinner at Chillis, China, Rob, Peter, Cait, Jordon, Dani, Jim and myself. Heres a picture, You thought this would be a picture free update, No Sir.
And heres some of us just hanging out and drinking.
Sat was pretty much the same less drinking on my part and more smoking, but its cool on Friday I had like 5 Henikens, 3 Ginnusiess and I raped a bottle of Jack Daniels. Everything was gone Booze wise by 1am on sat, Three 30 racks(Heniken, Ginnuis and Miller Light) A bottle of Jack
a bottle of Captian Morgans, A handle of Vodka. No Hangovers we tough kids. We all Crashed on a single Futon both nights, Friday wasnt bad it was just Peter Dani Myself but Sat Also had Joe and Jim on it.
I have a lot more pics uploaded in my pics. Take a gander sometime.
Today hasnt been the best day, I over slept and ended up being two hours late for work. I didnt care though I hate that vile place with passion. My bosses were all on my ass all day about some bullshit or an other, one of them started yelling at me and I said something really sarcastic and It allmost got me suspended for two weeks, it allmost got him punched in the face. Beccy set went up today that one great, and all the happy birthday comments Thank you all again.
ALSO: China as a present Got me a Myspace account.
So I know you would like to check it out and add me.
Cuz Im awesome?

In Grattitude I will grant everyone One Wish*
Please dont wish for world peace, we all know that aint gonna happen.
I had a great weekend, I headed up to Chinas college.
Right when I got their I went out to dinner and such, we stopped by Salvation Army and I found a FurLined Vest for 8 bucks its pretty pimp(no real fur, no animals were harmed in the making of this entry). We went to dinner at Chillis, China, Rob, Peter, Cait, Jordon, Dani, Jim and myself. Heres a picture, You thought this would be a picture free update, No Sir.

And heres some of us just hanging out and drinking.

Sat was pretty much the same less drinking on my part and more smoking, but its cool on Friday I had like 5 Henikens, 3 Ginnusiess and I raped a bottle of Jack Daniels. Everything was gone Booze wise by 1am on sat, Three 30 racks(Heniken, Ginnuis and Miller Light) A bottle of Jack

I have a lot more pics uploaded in my pics. Take a gander sometime.
Today hasnt been the best day, I over slept and ended up being two hours late for work. I didnt care though I hate that vile place with passion. My bosses were all on my ass all day about some bullshit or an other, one of them started yelling at me and I said something really sarcastic and It allmost got me suspended for two weeks, it allmost got him punched in the face. Beccy set went up today that one great, and all the happy birthday comments Thank you all again.
ALSO: China as a present Got me a Myspace account.
So I know you would like to check it out and add me.
Cuz Im awesome?

ur crazzzzy
i hope u do come out here
we will party like rock stars