The Following story took place last night.
these... are the Hollywood files.
"Yesterday July 1st, after I long day of work I was invited to a bbq/bonfire at my friend bobs house, I brought chips, hotdogs and fre sticks to roast them. When I got there China, Christie, Peter and Bob were the only one there so far and were all in the pool, having a gay old time. So were hanging out, cooking and Kelly and Crystal show up, sortly followed by abbott, we all eat and deciede to get in the pool playing and really having a safe good time."
I want to really stress that everyone was happy, safe and having a good time at this point.
Because about two minutes later.
"Crystal came over to us while were in the pool and said 'China needs to go to the hospital his foot is really bad' so were all kinda confused because we dont know what happend. Well this is what happend, the tools we used to chop wood for the fire and there was a hatchet and a machete on the ground. Someway China stepped on the machete sliced open the bottom of his foot. WTF right? well we sorta patch him up and get him, Kelly, Crystal and Christie in the car and take him to the hospital. At this point most of us are dumbfounded and trying to really figure out how the fuck this could happen, then we made smores."
So we just hang out, we put out the fire after a while, Kelly and Crystal come back.
We played some "chubby Bunny" and Abbott and I tied for CHAMPION OF THE WORLD.
We picked up China after the hospital glued his foot back together, where we kinda just hung around the cars for like 30 minutes saying good-bye.
A friggin Machete.
So heres the game we play, finish the sentance.
"when China cut his foot on the machete he shouted......
these... are the Hollywood files.
"Yesterday July 1st, after I long day of work I was invited to a bbq/bonfire at my friend bobs house, I brought chips, hotdogs and fre sticks to roast them. When I got there China, Christie, Peter and Bob were the only one there so far and were all in the pool, having a gay old time. So were hanging out, cooking and Kelly and Crystal show up, sortly followed by abbott, we all eat and deciede to get in the pool playing and really having a safe good time."
I want to really stress that everyone was happy, safe and having a good time at this point.
Because about two minutes later.
"Crystal came over to us while were in the pool and said 'China needs to go to the hospital his foot is really bad' so were all kinda confused because we dont know what happend. Well this is what happend, the tools we used to chop wood for the fire and there was a hatchet and a machete on the ground. Someway China stepped on the machete sliced open the bottom of his foot. WTF right? well we sorta patch him up and get him, Kelly, Crystal and Christie in the car and take him to the hospital. At this point most of us are dumbfounded and trying to really figure out how the fuck this could happen, then we made smores."
So we just hang out, we put out the fire after a while, Kelly and Crystal come back.
We played some "chubby Bunny" and Abbott and I tied for CHAMPION OF THE WORLD.
We picked up China after the hospital glued his foot back together, where we kinda just hung around the cars for like 30 minutes saying good-bye.
A friggin Machete.
So heres the game we play, finish the sentance.
"when China cut his foot on the machete he shouted......
Any good bands playing up there?