wow...long time since ive updated...i havent really been active on here lately...ive been busy and ppl here havent been active....whats going on...whats new....
work is going my bosses bitch but i put up with it for my promotion....bills bills bills...
ive been feeling low exs' baby is due anytime now and its really getting to me....
i got into an accident bc some asshole didnt have his blinker on... but i got the blame for it....
looking into another tattoo but not sure yet....
found out i will be able to get another kitty at the end of the year
other than that
work is going my bosses bitch but i put up with it for my promotion....bills bills bills...
ive been feeling low exs' baby is due anytime now and its really getting to me....
i got into an accident bc some asshole didnt have his blinker on... but i got the blame for it....
looking into another tattoo but not sure yet....
found out i will be able to get another kitty at the end of the year

other than that
Hope you're ok from the accident. Stupid people! They should be whipped with a car antenna for causing you greif *L*
Good luck with the suck-hole job thing. What's worse is when you're doing that and the promotion never comes! Hopefully yours comes on swift wings.
Take care!!