you know...i dont know how many ppl on here are from the St.Bernard/N.O. parish but i found this and sadly its all
You might be from St.Bernard Parish if....
you know that up the road and down the road ain't just directions
If someone asks u "u from da parish?" u kno wut they talkin about even tho there is over 50 parishes in this state
u know who junior is
u know a violation aint just sumthin against the law
u hung out at a wal mart
u can only pronounce the letter "r" if u think about it first
ur skool's mascot was sum kind of bird
u know wut the hell an islenos is
when u go 2 ur local movie theatre, ur feet stick to the floor
when u always said you would someday get out of "da parish" and when katrina came you miss it like crazy
when u go 2 cici's pizza just 2 play the hunting game
when u eat seafood every monday wednesday friday saturday AND sunday
when u say ersters instead of oyster
when u call crawfish crawdads
u hummed cabages at sum1 at the st.patricks day parade
like everybody downa road is related
u go to a party n u know everyone there
went to the duck park to see the fireworks
rode the rides when we were like 8 at the crawfish fest.
ate at rocky & carlos even though you knew damn well you might get e.coli
bought king cakes out of season at randazzo's/goodchildren
know someone who put a motor on a canoe and called it a pirogue (pee-rogg)
been on a field trip to the swamp
know swamps and marshes are NOT the same
you actually LIKE the smell of Shell Beach (=dead fish and saltwater)
"mullets" are small fish used for bait, not just funny haircuts
you have trouble explaining to people what wards are
you did donuts in the park parking lot...and almost got in trouble by the cops for it
a snowball stand was in walking or short driving distance; and you ordered a pink lady with condensed milk
you know local leaders by name...and know they are all corrupt.
you're mad our *brand new* wal-mart is gone
you know you from st bernard when the shoe department sells shrimp boots (only in chalmette) ha
when u have 2 walgreens on the same street... only about 4 blocks away from one another
you realize almost all the brands you used to eat are specific to the south/new orleans area (blue plate, hubigs pies, community coffee, etc.)
i wanna got back and see my mom and some friends and shortchanged is refusing to go with me...and i dont wanna make a 6 hour drive by myself...
You might be from St.Bernard Parish if....
you know that up the road and down the road ain't just directions
If someone asks u "u from da parish?" u kno wut they talkin about even tho there is over 50 parishes in this state
u know who junior is
u know a violation aint just sumthin against the law
u hung out at a wal mart
u can only pronounce the letter "r" if u think about it first
ur skool's mascot was sum kind of bird
u know wut the hell an islenos is
when u go 2 ur local movie theatre, ur feet stick to the floor
when u always said you would someday get out of "da parish" and when katrina came you miss it like crazy
when u go 2 cici's pizza just 2 play the hunting game
when u eat seafood every monday wednesday friday saturday AND sunday
when u say ersters instead of oyster
when u call crawfish crawdads
u hummed cabages at sum1 at the st.patricks day parade
like everybody downa road is related
u go to a party n u know everyone there
went to the duck park to see the fireworks
rode the rides when we were like 8 at the crawfish fest.
ate at rocky & carlos even though you knew damn well you might get e.coli
bought king cakes out of season at randazzo's/goodchildren
know someone who put a motor on a canoe and called it a pirogue (pee-rogg)
been on a field trip to the swamp
know swamps and marshes are NOT the same
you actually LIKE the smell of Shell Beach (=dead fish and saltwater)
"mullets" are small fish used for bait, not just funny haircuts
you have trouble explaining to people what wards are
you did donuts in the park parking lot...and almost got in trouble by the cops for it
a snowball stand was in walking or short driving distance; and you ordered a pink lady with condensed milk
you know local leaders by name...and know they are all corrupt.
you're mad our *brand new* wal-mart is gone

you know you from st bernard when the shoe department sells shrimp boots (only in chalmette) ha
when u have 2 walgreens on the same street... only about 4 blocks away from one another
you realize almost all the brands you used to eat are specific to the south/new orleans area (blue plate, hubigs pies, community coffee, etc.)
i wanna got back and see my mom and some friends and shortchanged is refusing to go with me...and i dont wanna make a 6 hour drive by myself...