1. As *nsync would say, "God must have spent a little more time on you." What, exactly, did God spend more time on?
i think i would have to say...
shortchanged and paloma
2. If you had to start your own war against something, what would it be and why? Also, what would the protesters do in protest, to show they think your war is evil?
Hollywood video "guest"...only the ignant ones and the ppl who dont understand our policies and we cant control how late their movies are out or if the dics is fucked
3. In the movie of your life, who would play you and who would play your lover?
cinderella and prince charming
4. What flavor of diet coke do you next want?
something that doesnt taste like diet coke at all
5. Insert picture of what you think is the best.hair.ever.
[IMG]img] http://static.flickr.com/13/15614770_cddbf5d5a7_m.jpg[/IMG]
6. If girls had penises and boys had vaginas, who would you date/fuck?
micheal jackson...o wait im not a little boy
7. Have you ever farted in public? if so, what were the circumstances?
no girls dont fart...they toot
8. Tell one crazy "I can't believe how drunk I was" story.
ummm...i played strip poker...and i dont remeber the rest...but if i find the video tape ill make sure i tell yall what happened...but i think i lost
9. Ideal Christmas stocking?
10. Who is Britney Spears' soul mate?
junkie and bottle of whiskey
11. What is the one book you think everyone should read?
the five people you meet in heave or lucky
12. At your heaviest, how much did you weigh? Liar.
13. Ever puked and run? Tell us your story, then join our club.
ummm i was in my moms room and felt sick...so i was going to my room and started to vomit and only made it to the sink
14. Tell one "too tired to finish masturbating" story, then join our club.
i was on the phone and got bord and started and by the time got worked up enough i was sleeping
15. Write down three true facts, and one lie. Don't tell us which one is the lie.
i kissed a girl
i am mexican
i want to be a psychologist
i was engaged
my favorite show is Gilmore Girls
16. Insert your favorite cute/cuddly picture (just to make us smile).
17. If you cooked a dinner for someone you were head over heels in love with, what would you cook?
pizza and flan and pumkin pie
18. If you had to write something on your forehead and walk around with it all day, what would it be?
fuck off im PMSing
19. What is your favorite piece of art, and would you please post a picture of it below?
Van Gogh
i cant show you...my internet isnt working right....but its Starry Starry Night
20. Would you have sex with Xena, Warrior Princess? What would it be like? Also, if you said no, are you crazy? What are your reasons for declining?
no way...she might crush me
21. Whats your favorite animal? show us.
22. If you were a color, what color would you be? Why?
blue bc i look good in blue
23. What turns you on? If it invovles a ball gag, please describe.
sweet kisses on the neck and suprises
24. On a scale of 1 to 10, how dumb is it to decline the above question by answering 'that's too personal' ?
they should be slapped...they are on a paid nudie site....nothing is too personal
5. Why are ball gags sexy?
bc you can fuck when ppl are home and you dont have to worry about the screams...not that i scream or anything
26. Do you have any personal opinions on ice trays?
i hate them...they're a fucking bitch
27. What's the most painful thing you've ever had done to you/done to another person during sex?
see shortchanged journal
28. If you had to be stranded for the rest of your life on a desert island and pick one person to go with you, would you pick someone you could really talk to or someone who gave you the best sex of your life? If you say both, you're a fucking whore.
im a fucking whore....i pick shortchanged and i can do both with him
29. What is the biggest insult someone could tell you?
umm...not too much...but if someone told me i was fruit then i would be upset
30. If you were/are a big dyke, would you wear the strap on or would your partner
oooo yea
Tag five people: the next victims are...pollythundercat...ramona...streetpaper...beckyjane
i think i would have to say...
shortchanged and paloma
2. If you had to start your own war against something, what would it be and why? Also, what would the protesters do in protest, to show they think your war is evil?
Hollywood video "guest"...only the ignant ones and the ppl who dont understand our policies and we cant control how late their movies are out or if the dics is fucked
3. In the movie of your life, who would play you and who would play your lover?
cinderella and prince charming
4. What flavor of diet coke do you next want?
something that doesnt taste like diet coke at all
5. Insert picture of what you think is the best.hair.ever.
[IMG]img] http://static.flickr.com/13/15614770_cddbf5d5a7_m.jpg[/IMG]
6. If girls had penises and boys had vaginas, who would you date/fuck?
micheal jackson...o wait im not a little boy

7. Have you ever farted in public? if so, what were the circumstances?
no girls dont fart...they toot
8. Tell one crazy "I can't believe how drunk I was" story.
ummm...i played strip poker...and i dont remeber the rest...but if i find the video tape ill make sure i tell yall what happened...but i think i lost
9. Ideal Christmas stocking?

10. Who is Britney Spears' soul mate?
junkie and bottle of whiskey
11. What is the one book you think everyone should read?
the five people you meet in heave or lucky
12. At your heaviest, how much did you weigh? Liar.
13. Ever puked and run? Tell us your story, then join our club.
ummm i was in my moms room and felt sick...so i was going to my room and started to vomit and only made it to the sink

14. Tell one "too tired to finish masturbating" story, then join our club.
i was on the phone and got bord and started and by the time got worked up enough i was sleeping
15. Write down three true facts, and one lie. Don't tell us which one is the lie.
i kissed a girl
i am mexican
i want to be a psychologist
i was engaged
my favorite show is Gilmore Girls
16. Insert your favorite cute/cuddly picture (just to make us smile).

17. If you cooked a dinner for someone you were head over heels in love with, what would you cook?
pizza and flan and pumkin pie
18. If you had to write something on your forehead and walk around with it all day, what would it be?
fuck off im PMSing
19. What is your favorite piece of art, and would you please post a picture of it below?
Van Gogh
i cant show you...my internet isnt working right....but its Starry Starry Night
20. Would you have sex with Xena, Warrior Princess? What would it be like? Also, if you said no, are you crazy? What are your reasons for declining?
no way...she might crush me
21. Whats your favorite animal? show us.

22. If you were a color, what color would you be? Why?
blue bc i look good in blue
23. What turns you on? If it invovles a ball gag, please describe.
sweet kisses on the neck and suprises
24. On a scale of 1 to 10, how dumb is it to decline the above question by answering 'that's too personal' ?
they should be slapped...they are on a paid nudie site....nothing is too personal
5. Why are ball gags sexy?
bc you can fuck when ppl are home and you dont have to worry about the screams...not that i scream or anything

26. Do you have any personal opinions on ice trays?
i hate them...they're a fucking bitch
27. What's the most painful thing you've ever had done to you/done to another person during sex?
see shortchanged journal
28. If you had to be stranded for the rest of your life on a desert island and pick one person to go with you, would you pick someone you could really talk to or someone who gave you the best sex of your life? If you say both, you're a fucking whore.
im a fucking whore....i pick shortchanged and i can do both with him

29. What is the biggest insult someone could tell you?
umm...not too much...but if someone told me i was fruit then i would be upset
30. If you were/are a big dyke, would you wear the strap on or would your partner
oooo yea
Tag five people: the next victims are...pollythundercat...ramona...streetpaper...beckyjane