So...where do i start...i saw what was left of my house friday and i was undiscribable....there was muck up to my knees all over looked like an atomic bomb went off in St.Bernard...nothing was alive...not even birds...there was a dead deer on someones walls we on the floor along with my ceilings and fridge was on the floor in the hall way...and nothing was even reconizable...couldnt make out what was what....nothing and i mean nothing was where it was when i left more or less in the correct room...i was devastated when i walked in...we went to shortchanged house first so i kind of had an idea of what mine was going to look like...nothing was left in the attic ...i all fell down...when you look up there were only rafters....the only thing i was able to walk out with was a few messed up pics and 3 statues for my mom and stepdad...they didnt even want to look bc they were sooooo disgusted....i went after my mom was unbelievable....i cant get these images out of my head...i will put pics up after i get them resized...i dont have all of my house bc it was tooo dirty to bring any thing in....i had to wear boots and gloves because of the smelled like rotten eggs and everytime you took a step you sunk into it...i lost my boot a few times...there was glass and fiberglass all ever from the ceiling and the windows and doors butsting was a horrible site that i didnt want to believe that was my house...everything was sooo distgusting that i would have to walk outside to prevent myself from getting snakes in the house though so i was happy about that....and they marked the houses to let ppl know if any bodies where one was in mine but to see the numbers 1...3....2....4...on ppls doors made my stomach was a site that i could have lived without get stuff out of my house i had to literally dig in shit up to my elbows and move around in it.,..the whole next day i had a headache...nightmares and just plain upset...i dont think i am ever going back to try and see anything ever again...i cant even begin to explain and pics dont do any justice to looked like someone went into my room and pushed everything to the middle of my room...everything was everywhere...clothes that were in my dresser were all over my room...i had cookie boxes stuck to my ceiling fan...everything was mildewed and covered in scrapbooks fell apart at the touch...i was more angry then sad...i had my closure and now im ready to move on...i hape they fucking bulldoze my house and never let anyone build there again...i fucking hate hurricanes...i fucking hate Katrina...i hate St.Bernard...if i wasnt on my medicine i would be a total basket case....i had to take double my dose friday for my nerves
on the upside...i did get to see my mom for the first time in over a was only for five minutes but after seeing my house like that...i needed it.,, i cant wait till i get to see her so happy to be back...i missed you all...please forgive me for my bitching...hugs and kisses
on the upside...i did get to see my mom for the first time in over a was only for five minutes but after seeing my house like that...i needed it.,, i cant wait till i get to see her so happy to be back...i missed you all...please forgive me for my bitching...hugs and kisses
Sorry about this rough time in your life. It has to get better. No need to say sorry, bitch away.

hey, you have plenty of reason to be upset. But it's good to see you looking toward the future and good things. You've got good times ahead of you for sure after this.