Hot DAMN! What a ineffable day. I started negotiations with a local for a 1957 Fender Strat. I am stretching a bit to add it to my investment collection (I'll admit this one is also a guilty pleasure, only thing missing would be a 52 telecaster or broadcaster).
I'm finally settling in to the fact that I have lost all control over my future. At this point it is in the hands of the admissions boards involved. And, one of them has already called me. All I can do now is wait.
If I get the gov't fellowship I applied for, I can most likely call any of the schools that reject me and see if they wish to reconsider (they usually do in these cases).
On other notes, it never ceases to amaze me how wonderful it feels when you connect with someone. That doesn't happen often. But, when it does, it's like a 532 nm 100mW laser

I'm finally settling in to the fact that I have lost all control over my future. At this point it is in the hands of the admissions boards involved. And, one of them has already called me. All I can do now is wait.
If I get the gov't fellowship I applied for, I can most likely call any of the schools that reject me and see if they wish to reconsider (they usually do in these cases).
On other notes, it never ceases to amaze me how wonderful it feels when you connect with someone. That doesn't happen often. But, when it does, it's like a 532 nm 100mW laser