so here i am in lovely toronto canada. the air is cleaner and its not as humid as i thought it was going to be. aparently today is the least hot day all year. it knew i was coming and wanted a break from the heat. Mmm home.
my aunt is getting married tomorrow which should be lovely. one of my wives gave me her high school graduation dress to wear... i should be interesting. my aunt is having a medival wedding. corset's, giant crinolyn, riding pants... the whole deal. thank god i don't have to dress up like that, then again it might of been fun
i'm at a lovely little coffee shop on queen street waiting for heather to get here so she can do her fitting for mikka's new little project. then, dinner with the chloe and the lawyer.
the bovine boat cruise is happening while im here which is nice, the last one i was at was 2 years ago... there are pictures of me and chloe in my 'tegan's pics' folder. this year the theme is wenches and pirates. i feel like all the broads are going to be wenches so i think i want to be a pirate but i'm on limimted funding while im here so we'll see what i can afford.
this week was rather uneventful. i picked up my carlos from the airport and had her for one day before i came here.
i wasn't forced into making stupid conversation with anyone on the plane over here which was nice and the flight seemed alot shorter than the ride usually is. sometimes i love non stop flights... especially when you can just sleep the entire way though.
i've already run into a bunch of people that i havn't seen in forever and tonight i'm sure ill run into more. i'm going to the bar that i used to work at and its 'busy' night so i'm sure there will be alot of drinking and dancing happening... maybe i can convince the DJ to play me some journey.
I've lost my digital camera somehow. I have no idea what I did with it but its gone. The last time i remember using it was at a friends birthday dinner on sunday but now, its vanished. I'm bummed... I think im doomed not to own a digital camera because this is the second one in a 6 month span. I suppose i'm not all THAT concernced that it's gone because i wanted a better one anwyay but I still lost a bunch of pictures from when I went up to S.F.
So, I'm going to Italy in October with the lovely miss alabama, We're going to tear it up and I get my hair did for free which is always awesome. It also gives me an excuse to visit san francisco a couple of more times before we take off.
i hate airplanes...
i wrote another wierd travel story type thing on the plane here:
I hate flying. I hate it with everything I have in me. I hate the fact that my ear's feel like they're going to explode when taking off and landing, I hate waiting in line after line after line, I hate security check's that make you nervous even though you've done nothing wrong, I hate being confined to your seat for x amount of hours... flying is like my own personal hell.
I don't think there's been one flight that I've actually been there for the 'suggested time'. I'm always the last person to check in just barely making it but, i've come to accept it. Its in my nature to be late, unorganized and flighty... I accept and embrace that part of me. I think it makes me more interesting, gives me more character and if I wasn't that way... I'd be relatively boring. I'm spontaneous and adventurous, I rarely have any obligations and I hate staying in one place too long. I have the memory of a goldfish (which means things often only stay in my mind for about 3 minutes before I forget them) and my concept of time is completely warped. I run on my own clock and I like it that way...
I prefer flying TO Toronto from the U.S because the custom's for canada is IN canada as opposed to when you fly TO the U.S the custom's is in whatever country you're coming from. It always gives me an extra 15-40 minutes which I always almost need. The woman on the speaker is louder than my iPod right now and its irritating me. The only time I was ever early for a flight was the first time I ever flew. I had to take a greyhound bus to Buffalo, NY to fly to Dallas, TX. Dallas probably wasn't a very good 'first time away from home' vacation but it was surely interesting. I feel like the woman on the speaker is screaming louder and louder because she knows that I'm getting more and more irritated with her... she's fighting my iPod. My greyhound bus left at 11:50 pm and got me to the Buffalo bus station around 1:20 am. I remember going over the border for the first time ever... even thought it was only an hour away from Toronto I was so bloody excited. I wrote a whole page about crossing the U.S border in my journal and I wanted to call all my friends to tell them. The Buffalo bus station was about 25 minutes away from the Buffalo airport and the bus station was not a pretty place. 18 year old girl in shady neighborhood bus station so excited she could probably pee her pants. Target. I got a cab to the Buffalo airport which ended up costing me 65$ of the 150$ that i had to spend while I was there. I was at the airport 5 1/2 hours before my flight and bored to fucking tears. None of the stores were open, no one was there and for some unknown reason, security wouldn't let me sleep. Needless to say, my excitement wore off but, definately started back up again once I was on the plane.
I've eaten vicodin again. I feel like Angelina Jolie in the movie Gia when she's on the plane and so high on heroin that the people beside her keep changing. The only difference being I'm alone. The iPod is on shuffle... she goes from Billie Holiday to AC/DC and I would kill to have a cigarette... story of my life.
Today's flying story has annoyed me to no end. I somehow had a 'code green' with my things. I'm not too sure what 'code green' means but I did it. Brand new belt buckle. Brass knuckles with rhinestones all over it on my studded belt that goes off in every metal detector. I take it off, I throw it into the bucket with my purse and laptop. I don't set off any alarm's and everything is fine. They see my laptop and have to test it for crack/cocaine (not really but I'm being imaginative) and re-run my things through the X-Ray machine. Of course I can't fly with my belt buckle, of course it's considered a weapon, of course its 10 minutes until my boarding and my checked bag is probably already on the plane, of course they have to take it from me. 2 day old belt buckle... me not bringing another one... of course. I hate flying, I hate airports, I hate it all. Maybe they all hate me too. I hope they like my belt buckle, fucking assholes.
A man who freakishly resembles Bob Saget just wallked by.
I've never had a flight longer than 6 hours straight. That's usually about what it takes to get from the west coast to the east coast in a straight shot. Most of my flights have layover's but this time I got lucky. My favorite place to have a layover is in Las Vegas, NV. They have miniature casino's and smoking lounge's in the airport. I've only ever had 2 layover's there but they were the best for sure. Pheonix layover's are probably my least favorite. They have no smoking room and if they do you have to walk from terminal to terminal hunting for it. It's ridiculously hot outside almost always so smoking outside isn't too pleasant either. I appreciate a good layover if I can't sleep on a flight but if I'm in a deep sleep and I get woken up for a stupid layover, I'm never very happy.
I smell food, we get meals on this flight, I'm excited... I want the chicken.
i'm on a roll with the 8 thousand word long journals.
ok, heather is here and i have to go to tequila.
and here i thought i woudln't be able to find wireless internet in toronto... HA.
dear wireless connection owners
stop putting passwords on your internet.
dreading the dentist and what he has to say
my aunt is getting married tomorrow which should be lovely. one of my wives gave me her high school graduation dress to wear... i should be interesting. my aunt is having a medival wedding. corset's, giant crinolyn, riding pants... the whole deal. thank god i don't have to dress up like that, then again it might of been fun
i'm at a lovely little coffee shop on queen street waiting for heather to get here so she can do her fitting for mikka's new little project. then, dinner with the chloe and the lawyer.
the bovine boat cruise is happening while im here which is nice, the last one i was at was 2 years ago... there are pictures of me and chloe in my 'tegan's pics' folder. this year the theme is wenches and pirates. i feel like all the broads are going to be wenches so i think i want to be a pirate but i'm on limimted funding while im here so we'll see what i can afford.
this week was rather uneventful. i picked up my carlos from the airport and had her for one day before i came here.
i wasn't forced into making stupid conversation with anyone on the plane over here which was nice and the flight seemed alot shorter than the ride usually is. sometimes i love non stop flights... especially when you can just sleep the entire way though.
i've already run into a bunch of people that i havn't seen in forever and tonight i'm sure ill run into more. i'm going to the bar that i used to work at and its 'busy' night so i'm sure there will be alot of drinking and dancing happening... maybe i can convince the DJ to play me some journey.
I've lost my digital camera somehow. I have no idea what I did with it but its gone. The last time i remember using it was at a friends birthday dinner on sunday but now, its vanished. I'm bummed... I think im doomed not to own a digital camera because this is the second one in a 6 month span. I suppose i'm not all THAT concernced that it's gone because i wanted a better one anwyay but I still lost a bunch of pictures from when I went up to S.F.
So, I'm going to Italy in October with the lovely miss alabama, We're going to tear it up and I get my hair did for free which is always awesome. It also gives me an excuse to visit san francisco a couple of more times before we take off.

i hate airplanes...
i wrote another wierd travel story type thing on the plane here:
I hate flying. I hate it with everything I have in me. I hate the fact that my ear's feel like they're going to explode when taking off and landing, I hate waiting in line after line after line, I hate security check's that make you nervous even though you've done nothing wrong, I hate being confined to your seat for x amount of hours... flying is like my own personal hell.
I don't think there's been one flight that I've actually been there for the 'suggested time'. I'm always the last person to check in just barely making it but, i've come to accept it. Its in my nature to be late, unorganized and flighty... I accept and embrace that part of me. I think it makes me more interesting, gives me more character and if I wasn't that way... I'd be relatively boring. I'm spontaneous and adventurous, I rarely have any obligations and I hate staying in one place too long. I have the memory of a goldfish (which means things often only stay in my mind for about 3 minutes before I forget them) and my concept of time is completely warped. I run on my own clock and I like it that way...
I prefer flying TO Toronto from the U.S because the custom's for canada is IN canada as opposed to when you fly TO the U.S the custom's is in whatever country you're coming from. It always gives me an extra 15-40 minutes which I always almost need. The woman on the speaker is louder than my iPod right now and its irritating me. The only time I was ever early for a flight was the first time I ever flew. I had to take a greyhound bus to Buffalo, NY to fly to Dallas, TX. Dallas probably wasn't a very good 'first time away from home' vacation but it was surely interesting. I feel like the woman on the speaker is screaming louder and louder because she knows that I'm getting more and more irritated with her... she's fighting my iPod. My greyhound bus left at 11:50 pm and got me to the Buffalo bus station around 1:20 am. I remember going over the border for the first time ever... even thought it was only an hour away from Toronto I was so bloody excited. I wrote a whole page about crossing the U.S border in my journal and I wanted to call all my friends to tell them. The Buffalo bus station was about 25 minutes away from the Buffalo airport and the bus station was not a pretty place. 18 year old girl in shady neighborhood bus station so excited she could probably pee her pants. Target. I got a cab to the Buffalo airport which ended up costing me 65$ of the 150$ that i had to spend while I was there. I was at the airport 5 1/2 hours before my flight and bored to fucking tears. None of the stores were open, no one was there and for some unknown reason, security wouldn't let me sleep. Needless to say, my excitement wore off but, definately started back up again once I was on the plane.
I've eaten vicodin again. I feel like Angelina Jolie in the movie Gia when she's on the plane and so high on heroin that the people beside her keep changing. The only difference being I'm alone. The iPod is on shuffle... she goes from Billie Holiday to AC/DC and I would kill to have a cigarette... story of my life.
Today's flying story has annoyed me to no end. I somehow had a 'code green' with my things. I'm not too sure what 'code green' means but I did it. Brand new belt buckle. Brass knuckles with rhinestones all over it on my studded belt that goes off in every metal detector. I take it off, I throw it into the bucket with my purse and laptop. I don't set off any alarm's and everything is fine. They see my laptop and have to test it for crack/cocaine (not really but I'm being imaginative) and re-run my things through the X-Ray machine. Of course I can't fly with my belt buckle, of course it's considered a weapon, of course its 10 minutes until my boarding and my checked bag is probably already on the plane, of course they have to take it from me. 2 day old belt buckle... me not bringing another one... of course. I hate flying, I hate airports, I hate it all. Maybe they all hate me too. I hope they like my belt buckle, fucking assholes.
A man who freakishly resembles Bob Saget just wallked by.
I've never had a flight longer than 6 hours straight. That's usually about what it takes to get from the west coast to the east coast in a straight shot. Most of my flights have layover's but this time I got lucky. My favorite place to have a layover is in Las Vegas, NV. They have miniature casino's and smoking lounge's in the airport. I've only ever had 2 layover's there but they were the best for sure. Pheonix layover's are probably my least favorite. They have no smoking room and if they do you have to walk from terminal to terminal hunting for it. It's ridiculously hot outside almost always so smoking outside isn't too pleasant either. I appreciate a good layover if I can't sleep on a flight but if I'm in a deep sleep and I get woken up for a stupid layover, I'm never very happy.
I smell food, we get meals on this flight, I'm excited... I want the chicken.
i'm on a roll with the 8 thousand word long journals.
ok, heather is here and i have to go to tequila.
and here i thought i woudln't be able to find wireless internet in toronto... HA.
dear wireless connection owners
stop putting passwords on your internet.
dreading the dentist and what he has to say
I know the airport security people are just doing their jobs, but last year when I went to Las Vegas, with only a carry-on bag, they felt it necessary to confiscate my mustache sissors. I guess they had me pegged as a random trimmer!
Sounds like you travel a lot . . . that's really cool! You get to meet lots of people . . see lots of new places . . . makes for lots of good memories.