sawa & tegan poolside yesterday.
i start my first day at work tomorrow which im excited about. well technically not my first day but my first day not in training which means i'll actually make some money. after work i think i will go grocery shopping. i've been craving things lately... hashbrowns with mayo, cucumbers cut up and soaking in water and vinegar, french fries and gravy and i think that i should start keeping bacon in the house at all times to quench my vicious cravings when they come about. Mmm bacon-ey goodness.
400 blows is playing tomorrow which was just informed of by my missus (ahem, xianblows.)
i hate being judged. i hate people looking at me as a group rather than an individual. i hate people telling me that i am something that im not. i hate people dragging you into their un-neccessary drama. this situation really hurt my feelings and showed me how disposable people can be. to not take it personally is kind of hard.
im now eating ramen (a.k.a mr. noodles) in bed and am giong to sleep.
Good to hear from your direction.
I'm still in Chicago, at least fro another year until I finsh gradschool...Can't believe its half over. That is scary.
I've been busting my ass making some new work since I got back from Europe. Have 2 gallery shopws coming up, and we can't be showing the same old shit, now can we?
How 'bout you, gorgeous? How's life in your neck of the woods?