so im fucking freezing. but alas, my quest to get a palm tree has been fullfilled... sleep is the most amazing fucking broad EVER. palm tree for tegan. fuck yeah. its going in my bedroom.
i worked all day today... that was nice. didnt make much but whatever its all good right.
i bought christmas presents for the ladies in the family and now my dad. i have no idea what to get my step dad but ill figure it out.
also bought new chuck taylors for myself... so damn expensive.
im in an internet cafe/laundry mat/convinence store.
chloe brought me back parliment cigarettes from new york. thank god.
im going to marry angelina jolie.
im working sunday brunch... if you know where i work... come see me.
a dude just drove up beside me in a pick up tow truck on his cell phone and tried to 'pick me up'. ugh.
and to this mysterious belt buckle sender... I FUCKING LOVE YOU. They are rad rad rad.
Los Angeles... January... here i come. 315$ return
everytime i talk to jorma it makes me miss him more. im a sappy asshole.
and now, i have to go get chloe some food from utopia and drag her ass over to my new house.
tonight... neon nights. buddies. the scandelles.
ok... this is all.
p.s - give me bailey
p.p.s - the bovine, sunday december 19th. the taste. they go on at midnight.
i worked all day today... that was nice. didnt make much but whatever its all good right.
i bought christmas presents for the ladies in the family and now my dad. i have no idea what to get my step dad but ill figure it out.
also bought new chuck taylors for myself... so damn expensive.
im in an internet cafe/laundry mat/convinence store.
chloe brought me back parliment cigarettes from new york. thank god.
im going to marry angelina jolie.
im working sunday brunch... if you know where i work... come see me.
a dude just drove up beside me in a pick up tow truck on his cell phone and tried to 'pick me up'. ugh.
and to this mysterious belt buckle sender... I FUCKING LOVE YOU. They are rad rad rad.
Los Angeles... January... here i come. 315$ return
everytime i talk to jorma it makes me miss him more. im a sappy asshole.
and now, i have to go get chloe some food from utopia and drag her ass over to my new house.
tonight... neon nights. buddies. the scandelles.
ok... this is all.
p.s - give me bailey
p.p.s - the bovine, sunday december 19th. the taste. they go on at midnight.
-sir dave of san diego
-me again