dear thing/person who makes the world go round.
why are you so angry at me? why are you making everything so shitty? hows about i promise to be good to people and do good things and you stop making my life so rediculous. is that a good deal? is that good enough? ill stop drinking? ill quit smoking? ill go hang out with old people... i love old people... i do, i swear.
please make something good happen to me? please. i need something good to happen. give me a job. give me a good place to live. make that adorable drummer boy talk to me for more than 5 minutes. get me laid. do something for me... come through for me here. come on... PLEASE!
im begging you.
love, tegan.
im so tired of all of this.
and i still need a fucking winter jacket.
fuck you you inconsiderate fuck.
i wish i had a giant eraser
oh, and go tell danatindiego not to be a quitter.
why are you so angry at me? why are you making everything so shitty? hows about i promise to be good to people and do good things and you stop making my life so rediculous. is that a good deal? is that good enough? ill stop drinking? ill quit smoking? ill go hang out with old people... i love old people... i do, i swear.
please make something good happen to me? please. i need something good to happen. give me a job. give me a good place to live. make that adorable drummer boy talk to me for more than 5 minutes. get me laid. do something for me... come through for me here. come on... PLEASE!
im begging you.
love, tegan.
im so tired of all of this.
and i still need a fucking winter jacket.
fuck you you inconsiderate fuck.
i wish i had a giant eraser
oh, and go tell danatindiego not to be a quitter.
why can't you be here or where you are...drunk with jager. i don't have yr digits. my phone has been smashed into many tiny pieces...but call it and tell me your number. are you a goddamn canadian again? emo pants. lets go shopping.
One giant eraser, just for you (it's a typewriter eraser)