I am unemployed but not too bored and not smoking so much and that's good but what's not good is how I'm getting fat. Fuck not working!! I don't mind the downtime (shit... why lie.. I LOVE the downtime) but like, stripping kept off those 5 stupid pounds that otherwise plague me and turned my legs to fucking iron... but there are no strip clubs in Santa Cruz (none! not even any! After living in FL I didn't think such a thing was possible because you know how there's like one titty bar for every 10 FL residents) and so I'm unemployed and too motherfucking chubby. But... I'm in love, and it's awesome, she is the greatest, hottest, smartest, hottest, cutuest, hottest girl in the universe.
But I miss my friends and Florida and I can't figure out why I don't like California so much... other than the no strip clubs, it seems like an okay place, the laundromats are reasonably priced and have built-in coffee bars, there's wireless internet everywhere, vegetarian options at all restaurants, American Spirits at fucking Costco (!!!) and it's beautiful, I mean really profoundly scenically beautiful, I can't believe how dramatic the west coast is as compared to the flat, mild east coast... I'm stricken by this every time I come out here. So don't get me wrong, CA has its many merits, but I have this nagging suspicion that I'm surrounded by CRAZY PEOPLE. Now, I know that sounds dumb but honestly, the new-agey-west-coast-freak population of Santa Cruz is very apparent, assertive, and unsettling. Some dude sat opposite me on a park bench yesterday while I was on the phone and started grimacing at me. He didn't appear to be homeless and by association, crazy in that homeless way, but he was wearing some crystals on hemp string around his neck, and I therefore judged him and his craziness as new-agey and therefore, not something I'd encounter back on the east coast-- for, truly, in my recollection I had not.
We're leaving on a cross-country road trip on August 1st, driving from CA back home to FL over the course of 2 weeks. Shayle is moving to FL. She loves me and I know that's why she wants to but I'm worried that she'll hate it because she's used to these west-coast shenanigans and not, you know, the minigolf/ titty bar/ perkins at 3AM pillars of my southeastern existence.
(florida venereal soil) Peace out y'all.
But I miss my friends and Florida and I can't figure out why I don't like California so much... other than the no strip clubs, it seems like an okay place, the laundromats are reasonably priced and have built-in coffee bars, there's wireless internet everywhere, vegetarian options at all restaurants, American Spirits at fucking Costco (!!!) and it's beautiful, I mean really profoundly scenically beautiful, I can't believe how dramatic the west coast is as compared to the flat, mild east coast... I'm stricken by this every time I come out here. So don't get me wrong, CA has its many merits, but I have this nagging suspicion that I'm surrounded by CRAZY PEOPLE. Now, I know that sounds dumb but honestly, the new-agey-west-coast-freak population of Santa Cruz is very apparent, assertive, and unsettling. Some dude sat opposite me on a park bench yesterday while I was on the phone and started grimacing at me. He didn't appear to be homeless and by association, crazy in that homeless way, but he was wearing some crystals on hemp string around his neck, and I therefore judged him and his craziness as new-agey and therefore, not something I'd encounter back on the east coast-- for, truly, in my recollection I had not.
We're leaving on a cross-country road trip on August 1st, driving from CA back home to FL over the course of 2 weeks. Shayle is moving to FL. She loves me and I know that's why she wants to but I'm worried that she'll hate it because she's used to these west-coast shenanigans and not, you know, the minigolf/ titty bar/ perkins at 3AM pillars of my southeastern existence.
(florida venereal soil) Peace out y'all.
Hey gorgeous just stopped by to say hello. Been busy the past few weeks no time to sit at the computer. Hope all is going well.
Happy New Year, hope 2006 is good to you.