I was thinking at work tonight, because I have a mindless awful job, and all there is to do is think about other shit. I came to the conclusion that a bedroom is one of the most important places in a house....some good stuff happens there. Mine is so neglected, I think it is time to actually make it a place that is nice to be. You know decorate it. There isn't a single thing on any of the walls, no headboard, and I hate my comforter. I don't think I will be getting a headboard, since I don't want it to bang on the wall. My 11 year old daughter sleeps in the next room and would be grossed out to know that her mom has sex.
It is seriously time to do something with it though. I guess I just haven't bothered before now, because no one but me and my husband see it. Now I just have to figure out what to do with it. I am thinking slutty chic. Anyone out there an intereior designer with good ideas. The walls are red, btw, and I like them that way!

And yes, I think you probably did take that pic!