i so want this bike..........
i'm just waiting to confirm with the guy selling it......if i get it i am going to grow my hair back long enough for pigtails and ride it fucking everywhere. yup.
update Saturday
i got it! i got it!
Marko and i rode to The Fire last night and met up with Alexis, her boy, and SeanieFresh for some beers. i'd just like to say not only is my bike cooler then anyone elses bike...it is also drunk proof.

i'm just waiting to confirm with the guy selling it......if i get it i am going to grow my hair back long enough for pigtails and ride it fucking everywhere. yup.

update Saturday
i got it! i got it!
Marko and i rode to The Fire last night and met up with Alexis, her boy, and SeanieFresh for some beers. i'd just like to say not only is my bike cooler then anyone elses bike...it is also drunk proof.

yeah I've been thinking about it.... but man.. I've got a few more skills I want to learn first before I do my 1 year uni fashion design course.. I want to learn how to make furniture first so I can startmaking my own bondage furniture...
so how the hell are ya?