well hello there lovely SG members. please pardon my recent membership lapse...i was taken hostage and detained aboard a supreme mothership to some distant planet and they only had dial up.
its good to be back.
its almost VD and i need to figure out who gave me the gift that keeps on giving. i mean..my SG gift account of course. i owe them a thank you.
hmmmm....i'm off to have the white trash desert of my dreams. Hostess cupcakes and Nutty Bars. yummmy.
until later..check out the hotness that is alexis, geekgurl, and myself (plus a few other non sg darlings) at last weekends Delicious Corsets Fashion Show for Shock Therapy.

its good to be back.
its almost VD and i need to figure out who gave me the gift that keeps on giving. i mean..my SG gift account of course. i owe them a thank you.

hmmmm....i'm off to have the white trash desert of my dreams. Hostess cupcakes and Nutty Bars. yummmy.
until later..check out the hotness that is alexis, geekgurl, and myself (plus a few other non sg darlings) at last weekends Delicious Corsets Fashion Show for Shock Therapy.

Yeah, I'd have loved to go, but today was my fathers 50th birthday, so I had to do that.
It really was good to see you guys, even if it was only for a little bit. We really need to plan more things...
who has the bigger smile?
[Edited on Feb 14, 2005 7:02PM]