so uh. ya.
Tuesday I went to see Lady in the Water with Alexis and SeanieFresh. We were going to eat dinner at the hoagie place nearby..then hit the movie...but as fate would have it (or um..shitty planning..arrrauhumph!) we took a deteur to Lowes first. Needless to say this led to us not arriving at the hoagie shop until our movie was about to start...and thus sneaking our food into the movie.
and by sneaking food..I mean Alexis used her little pink shawl thingy to wrap up her greasy cheeseburger and fries and I covered a greasy slice of pizza with napkins and put it in by bag! SeanieFresh did not have to sneak his food because he was able to eat his burger in the two minutes it took us to walk from the hoagie place to the theater.
this was by far one of my trashier moments in life and I am not proud. I'm not proud ok!
the movie was good tho.
in other news....I finally requested a review at work....a review with a raise...a significant raise. Its only fair and right that I should recieve one...but as much as I'd like to be optimistic I know better and am realistic instead. This only makes me angry and bitter and in a hurry to get the hell out of this city.
I want to start fresh....with Marko of a new city....start a new business (or TWO)...and go horseback riding everyday.
bubye for now.
Tuesday I went to see Lady in the Water with Alexis and SeanieFresh. We were going to eat dinner at the hoagie place nearby..then hit the movie...but as fate would have it (or um..shitty planning..arrrauhumph!) we took a deteur to Lowes first. Needless to say this led to us not arriving at the hoagie shop until our movie was about to start...and thus sneaking our food into the movie.
and by sneaking food..I mean Alexis used her little pink shawl thingy to wrap up her greasy cheeseburger and fries and I covered a greasy slice of pizza with napkins and put it in by bag! SeanieFresh did not have to sneak his food because he was able to eat his burger in the two minutes it took us to walk from the hoagie place to the theater.
this was by far one of my trashier moments in life and I am not proud. I'm not proud ok!
the movie was good tho.
in other news....I finally requested a review at work....a review with a raise...a significant raise. Its only fair and right that I should recieve one...but as much as I'd like to be optimistic I know better and am realistic instead. This only makes me angry and bitter and in a hurry to get the hell out of this city.
I want to start fresh....with Marko of a new city....start a new business (or TWO)...and go horseback riding everyday.
bubye for now.

just wanted to say hi

oh yeah right. i'll take you any day.