yo guys
im back.......did you miss me?!!
Hhmm, anyway i have made it. 6 days 2200 miles 2 counties and many pictures (soon to arrive in a journal near you, so keep an eye open!) It was good fun, even though there where times i wanted to kill my work collegue....is that bad of me?!
things turn into a blur after a day or so, and you get plenty of time to think about things. I probably did a stupid thing one night. I was wound up with said work collegue, got a bottle of red, worked my way through it, and suddenly this idea, which im sure was a good one at the time popped into my head. "i know, i'll send a quick text to tracey (ex)" No reply. How dumb of me. Oh well. Onwards i go.
im back.......did you miss me?!!
Hhmm, anyway i have made it. 6 days 2200 miles 2 counties and many pictures (soon to arrive in a journal near you, so keep an eye open!) It was good fun, even though there where times i wanted to kill my work collegue....is that bad of me?!
things turn into a blur after a day or so, and you get plenty of time to think about things. I probably did a stupid thing one night. I was wound up with said work collegue, got a bottle of red, worked my way through it, and suddenly this idea, which im sure was a good one at the time popped into my head. "i know, i'll send a quick text to tracey (ex)" No reply. How dumb of me. Oh well. Onwards i go.
A friend of mine is currently searching for an electronics whizz to build her a breathaliser for her phone for just such a situation.