I finally did it! I got my first piercing today! It started with my girlfriend and her best friend getting their piercings. Her friend who was going to go pussed out when I wasn't even going to go. Lucky, my plans changed and I went with them. Her friend got the inside part of her ear pierced to make an even four in each ear and nine in total. My girlfriend was very brave and got both of her nipples done and surprisingly, I wasn't jealous of another guy touching and torturing her boobs. He was very professional. Finally I decided that I was jealous of everyone else getting poked. I decided that I'd get what I've always wanted, my lower left lip. But first came a call to my dear old mum. She didn't approve but she didn't say no either. And she was right, I would do it anyway. So I did. In truth, it didn't hurt that bad. Definately not as much as I thought it would. I would say, and this is kinda gross, that it was kinda like poping a huge zit. Once it was over it wasn't bad though. I'm really proud of it. I've been extremely anal about cleaning it too. No way am I going to get an infection that I could have done something about. I don't even want to think about how work will take it. We'll see about that tomorrow. I haven't seen my folks yet but I don't think they'll be too happy. But, fuck it. It's my graduation present to myself. I'll have some pics tomorrow for anyone that's interested. Now I'm going to carefully eat this pizza I made and then rinse the shit out of my mouth. Stay classy.