i have blue hair again but it's not as good a shade of blue and will fade to violet.
to my american friends: can anyone tell me how easy it is to buy atkins products in the states? like, if you walk into a drugstore type place how much variety is there? maybe you can even buy them in supermarkets? i mean food with the atkins 'A' logo on it. just wondering if it would be worth getting someone to buy stuff and sell it to me through private ebay auctions or something. i can't order any of it online!! i can buy certain products in the UK but the ones in the states sound WAY more fun, sugary and varied. also i once bought these oreo flavoured atkins bars off ebay and they were ACTUALLY one of the nicest foodstuffs EVAR. but that means relying on them to come up on ebay.
i am enjoying atkins at the moment. today i made pancakes with flour substitute and soya milk, with sugar free chocolate melted and smeared across them. it's because an even more horrific vice has taken over my life - The O.C.!! that's right. remember when i accidentally watched most of series one with simon last year? well, i suddenly got curious and had to finish watching it. now i'm 4 discs into series 2. it's sucking at my soul. and damn, if they don't eat a hell of a lot of pancakes for breakfast! so, not to be outdone i donned my atkins apron and did the same...only with british flat pancakes. now i want to go to CALIFORNIA.

to my american friends: can anyone tell me how easy it is to buy atkins products in the states? like, if you walk into a drugstore type place how much variety is there? maybe you can even buy them in supermarkets? i mean food with the atkins 'A' logo on it. just wondering if it would be worth getting someone to buy stuff and sell it to me through private ebay auctions or something. i can't order any of it online!! i can buy certain products in the UK but the ones in the states sound WAY more fun, sugary and varied. also i once bought these oreo flavoured atkins bars off ebay and they were ACTUALLY one of the nicest foodstuffs EVAR. but that means relying on them to come up on ebay.
i am enjoying atkins at the moment. today i made pancakes with flour substitute and soya milk, with sugar free chocolate melted and smeared across them. it's because an even more horrific vice has taken over my life - The O.C.!! that's right. remember when i accidentally watched most of series one with simon last year? well, i suddenly got curious and had to finish watching it. now i'm 4 discs into series 2. it's sucking at my soul. and damn, if they don't eat a hell of a lot of pancakes for breakfast! so, not to be outdone i donned my atkins apron and did the same...only with british flat pancakes. now i want to go to CALIFORNIA.
the best weight loss plan i have ever been on was the boot camp plan. i sucked but i looked really good after three months. it's not for every one.
this past year i had weight trouble again, the marines is very strickt when i comes to weight, i tried a lot of things, but i the end i was really my want and need to become fit. less portions of better food, no soft drinks, no snacking- but if i do make sure it's healthy. and i lift weights now. as for adkins a could and would be more than happy to help you but i an not iin the states right now, sorry