K so Im a bit behind on the 20 Things thing that Vauxhall tagged me for. So here it is! But before you read, Id highly recommend you check my updated picture gallery, its a smasher!
1.In my new profile pic I am channelling the White Witch look. Thats why I look like a drug addict!
2.I am genuinely turned on by Physics [see What Gets Me Hot for more information]. It can extend to someone telling me anything I dont know about, but Physics and Maths are two areas where I am guaranteed not to know a damn thing and I find it very sexy when people can talk knowledgably on the subject!
3.Christmas this year was replaced by Crisismas in Camberworld and I actually made lots of Crisis on Infinite Earths themed decorations for the tree [which you can see some of in my gallery so you should look!] I dont even LIKE Crisis that much, but we have some awesome posters from it including a luscious one by Alex Ross and it seemed like a nice idea at the timeand Im *actually* proud of this fact! Urgh
4.As an infant child [all these things seem to have a hark back point] I hated - HATED - baby dolls like Tiny Tears and that bullcrap, and resented the wholesale grip on society they had. Instead I played with She-Ra, Princess of Power figures and made them hang out with Manta Force and M.A.S.K men when the ladies had had enough of Bow. I think this is why I grew up a militant feminist lesbian.
5.I didnt grow up a militant feminist lesbian but I get called a feminist by men quite a lot. This means I point out the gender bias in language and the fact that we still need to work on gender equality approximately once a month.
6.Also as an infant child I was the only kid allowed to do woodwork at school. With a friend if I chose one. Unsupervised, using coping saws and the like. In retrospect this seems insane on a number of levels, not least of which is why they had a woodwork room if they wouldnt let it be usedbut anyway I would always finish my work quickly so I could spend the end of the day carefully crafting Greek warships with figureheads of Athena, my favourite mythological deity when I was 6.
7.My current favourite mythological deity is Norse goddess Freya as Ive discovered her links with St Lucia who isnt a deity but is a fucking scary saint, depicted with her eyes on a plate and a crown of burning candles. Love it!
8.My ultimate favourite creature of all time is The Bee. I LOVE BEES! They are the most exquisite, dainty, huggable beautiful things in the whole world. I aim to have a bee orchard when Im rich.
9.My new favourite musical genre is Instrumental Surf, which sounds like I picked up an instrument in the 50s and forgot how to use it. Recommended listening includes the Thurston Lava Tube, named after theThurston Lava Tube in Hawaii. Its a lava tube.
10.Joe, who lives next door in Camberworld, is going to join me in forming an Experimental Surf busking outfit, and well coat the underground busking points in sand every time anyone tosses us a coin. Our working name is Blodwyn [after Blodwyn P. Teabag, organist for the Thurston Lava Tube]
11.My New Years resolution is to become an adept in FIRESTAFF! Thats right, I have taken up staff as my newest hobby. Its a great way to pretend youre an extra in Lord of the Rings while using ACTUAL FIRE [and an actual staff] and thus be ultimately awesome.
12.For the uninitiated, Im working on a graphic novel with housemate Simon called The Magic Garden Detective Agency and it is the best thing ever.
13.Contrary to popular belief I am actually a pretty great artist, but I only ever take pride in the stuff in styles I find challenging ie all the cartoony stuff I upload here is an example of my shit art because Im really proud of it! Im an awesome classical or fine art artist but I wanna be more graphical. Im sure its just a case of finding the similarities between the two and suddenly itll all make sense and I will rule the world with iron fist.
14.One time my friend convinced me to kiss her dog with tongues, so I did. She was one of the best pulls Ive ever had! GSOH! Oneone11!
15.I have a set planned and in the works which is comic-book themed but in a cool way. More on that as progress takes place but itll be a goodun, promise!
16.I went to college in Staines. This is the source of my myriad piercings and rubbish tattoos because it was the most boring place and time in my life. A crap piercer/tattooist opened in the back of a hairdressers and didnt care if we were underage so we all used to go in during the excessive free periods and get stuff done on the spur of the moment. I got my nipples pierced for a dare after too long in the Irish Bar and my first tattoo done because I drew it on a napkin and wondered if tattoos hurt. I got the second one done again because I was bored and I saw a picture of it and liked it. One day when I have money I will go to Brighton and get them sorted out!
17.During the same time period I passed more loose time by renaming all my friends and all places I referenced after characters and places in Twin Peaks. This went as far as entries on my phone. One of my friends to this day I call Coop!
18.18 is my number of auspice. I mean its not like its my lucky number, it just tends to come up a lot. Its my birthday and my brothers and my housemates and everything winds up referring to it sooner or laterits a rubbish shade of deep ochre though
19.Im synaesthetic, particularly with written numbers as colours. Its a great memory tool and makes some maths work great for me - stuff where the numbers are all already there, like algebra, is like magic, but stuff where you have to interpret numbers makes my brain melt. Also when Im stoned it stretches further and sounds also become colours and textures. Its really common these days, apparently about 70% of people demonstrate aspects of it. But I recently read The Stars My Destination by Alfred Bester which has an awesome extract on synaesthesia so thought Id mention it.
20.I have a secret obsession with ancient South American cultures, particularly the Incans. This is the sort of thing I never talk about because I assume everyone else would find it horrifically boring but I think its utterly fascinating, and the Nazca Desert is the coolest thing EVAR. My ideal job would be being Maria Reiche.
So that was pretty damn boring eh? But I thought it might be a good conversation point for re-integrating myself here. And its looong overdue. I tag fraston to do it because I suspect hes new enough not to have done it yet. Now Im going to go and do some art.
1.In my new profile pic I am channelling the White Witch look. Thats why I look like a drug addict!
2.I am genuinely turned on by Physics [see What Gets Me Hot for more information]. It can extend to someone telling me anything I dont know about, but Physics and Maths are two areas where I am guaranteed not to know a damn thing and I find it very sexy when people can talk knowledgably on the subject!
3.Christmas this year was replaced by Crisismas in Camberworld and I actually made lots of Crisis on Infinite Earths themed decorations for the tree [which you can see some of in my gallery so you should look!] I dont even LIKE Crisis that much, but we have some awesome posters from it including a luscious one by Alex Ross and it seemed like a nice idea at the timeand Im *actually* proud of this fact! Urgh
4.As an infant child [all these things seem to have a hark back point] I hated - HATED - baby dolls like Tiny Tears and that bullcrap, and resented the wholesale grip on society they had. Instead I played with She-Ra, Princess of Power figures and made them hang out with Manta Force and M.A.S.K men when the ladies had had enough of Bow. I think this is why I grew up a militant feminist lesbian.
5.I didnt grow up a militant feminist lesbian but I get called a feminist by men quite a lot. This means I point out the gender bias in language and the fact that we still need to work on gender equality approximately once a month.
6.Also as an infant child I was the only kid allowed to do woodwork at school. With a friend if I chose one. Unsupervised, using coping saws and the like. In retrospect this seems insane on a number of levels, not least of which is why they had a woodwork room if they wouldnt let it be usedbut anyway I would always finish my work quickly so I could spend the end of the day carefully crafting Greek warships with figureheads of Athena, my favourite mythological deity when I was 6.
7.My current favourite mythological deity is Norse goddess Freya as Ive discovered her links with St Lucia who isnt a deity but is a fucking scary saint, depicted with her eyes on a plate and a crown of burning candles. Love it!
8.My ultimate favourite creature of all time is The Bee. I LOVE BEES! They are the most exquisite, dainty, huggable beautiful things in the whole world. I aim to have a bee orchard when Im rich.
9.My new favourite musical genre is Instrumental Surf, which sounds like I picked up an instrument in the 50s and forgot how to use it. Recommended listening includes the Thurston Lava Tube, named after theThurston Lava Tube in Hawaii. Its a lava tube.
10.Joe, who lives next door in Camberworld, is going to join me in forming an Experimental Surf busking outfit, and well coat the underground busking points in sand every time anyone tosses us a coin. Our working name is Blodwyn [after Blodwyn P. Teabag, organist for the Thurston Lava Tube]
11.My New Years resolution is to become an adept in FIRESTAFF! Thats right, I have taken up staff as my newest hobby. Its a great way to pretend youre an extra in Lord of the Rings while using ACTUAL FIRE [and an actual staff] and thus be ultimately awesome.
12.For the uninitiated, Im working on a graphic novel with housemate Simon called The Magic Garden Detective Agency and it is the best thing ever.
13.Contrary to popular belief I am actually a pretty great artist, but I only ever take pride in the stuff in styles I find challenging ie all the cartoony stuff I upload here is an example of my shit art because Im really proud of it! Im an awesome classical or fine art artist but I wanna be more graphical. Im sure its just a case of finding the similarities between the two and suddenly itll all make sense and I will rule the world with iron fist.
14.One time my friend convinced me to kiss her dog with tongues, so I did. She was one of the best pulls Ive ever had! GSOH! Oneone11!
15.I have a set planned and in the works which is comic-book themed but in a cool way. More on that as progress takes place but itll be a goodun, promise!
16.I went to college in Staines. This is the source of my myriad piercings and rubbish tattoos because it was the most boring place and time in my life. A crap piercer/tattooist opened in the back of a hairdressers and didnt care if we were underage so we all used to go in during the excessive free periods and get stuff done on the spur of the moment. I got my nipples pierced for a dare after too long in the Irish Bar and my first tattoo done because I drew it on a napkin and wondered if tattoos hurt. I got the second one done again because I was bored and I saw a picture of it and liked it. One day when I have money I will go to Brighton and get them sorted out!
17.During the same time period I passed more loose time by renaming all my friends and all places I referenced after characters and places in Twin Peaks. This went as far as entries on my phone. One of my friends to this day I call Coop!
18.18 is my number of auspice. I mean its not like its my lucky number, it just tends to come up a lot. Its my birthday and my brothers and my housemates and everything winds up referring to it sooner or laterits a rubbish shade of deep ochre though
19.Im synaesthetic, particularly with written numbers as colours. Its a great memory tool and makes some maths work great for me - stuff where the numbers are all already there, like algebra, is like magic, but stuff where you have to interpret numbers makes my brain melt. Also when Im stoned it stretches further and sounds also become colours and textures. Its really common these days, apparently about 70% of people demonstrate aspects of it. But I recently read The Stars My Destination by Alfred Bester which has an awesome extract on synaesthesia so thought Id mention it.
20.I have a secret obsession with ancient South American cultures, particularly the Incans. This is the sort of thing I never talk about because I assume everyone else would find it horrifically boring but I think its utterly fascinating, and the Nazca Desert is the coolest thing EVAR. My ideal job would be being Maria Reiche.
So that was pretty damn boring eh? But I thought it might be a good conversation point for re-integrating myself here. And its looong overdue. I tag fraston to do it because I suspect hes new enough not to have done it yet. Now Im going to go and do some art.
Robert Bauval is quite the charmer, but IMHO he milks it too much, and he's one of the main 'stirrers' on the scene - IMHO reading between the lines it was his fault that Gantenbrink got booted from the original Upuaut project - he is also one of the reasons why the author Ralph Ellis couldn't get mainsteram publishing. Graham Hancock is pretty cool too, and he seems to have eaten his humble pie and done his homework after being hauled over the coals on BBC's Horizon (his Underworld book on underwater artefacts is superb). I've also had the pleasure of seeing David Rohl speak a couple of times - he used to lecture at UCL where I went - nice guy, doesn't take any s*** either. I'm still trying to pick up some of his books - some of them are damn hard to get hold of...
I expect them to return with mail or the bloodied behind of some poor terrified email server.