gosh, it's been a while. we got cut off for a bit and i've been a bit distracted by the whole thing with simon's mum, but should be posting regularly again now. i have SO MANY emails to write! argh! please don't hate me.
have just been to see the Narnia film and my eyes are still damp, it was such an epic wonder! i loved it!
celebrated Crisismas [themed around crisis on infinite earths obviously] this weekend with the residents of gables close, and had the full roast dinner and secret santa. it was great, i got a can of atkins bake mix and a copy of Hatter M which features art by ben templesmith. it was as good as i'd hoped! turns out simon got me in the secret santa though and i got him, and i too bought him snacks and comics. we're so unoriginal! my bro received a secondhand microscope and a papier mache 2-headed tiger, while housemate elise received 5 worth of 'fun' shaped canned pasta! it was pretty fantastic overall.
this is just a checking-in post but will do the full integration thing tomorrow as i have flu and nothing more desirable than catching up with the online wonder that is SG. can't believe how much has changed in the month i've been away!
have just been to see the Narnia film and my eyes are still damp, it was such an epic wonder! i loved it!
celebrated Crisismas [themed around crisis on infinite earths obviously] this weekend with the residents of gables close, and had the full roast dinner and secret santa. it was great, i got a can of atkins bake mix and a copy of Hatter M which features art by ben templesmith. it was as good as i'd hoped! turns out simon got me in the secret santa though and i got him, and i too bought him snacks and comics. we're so unoriginal! my bro received a secondhand microscope and a papier mache 2-headed tiger, while housemate elise received 5 worth of 'fun' shaped canned pasta! it was pretty fantastic overall.
this is just a checking-in post but will do the full integration thing tomorrow as i have flu and nothing more desirable than catching up with the online wonder that is SG. can't believe how much has changed in the month i've been away!

Get better soon
Now nuke them filthy flu germs.