Well, in just fourty or so short hours I will be uprooting myself from the desert and returning to the green glory of the bay area. At the moment I feel stressed and not nearly ready, but I\'m still incredibly excited about going. The seven months that I\'ve lived here have been good for me in many ways. I feel more physically, emotionally, and mentally together than I have in a few years. The time has come now to return to civilization and youth. It\'s so rare in this town to see anyone under fourty, and while on the one hand it makes me feel like I\'m a teenager againm, it also has made me lonely.\r\nSo the cat (who I think must sense that something is up, she\'s acting very odd and needy) and I will be spending about 13 hours of quality time together in a rental truck on Tuesday. I\'m not looking forward to that, but I can\'t wait to be back home with my fiance. I do sort of miss the fellow.

thank you!! i wish we could vote too! anyway i hope next time i have more luck!
Thanks, I think you're quite adorable
I have to admit Haven and I make a hot couple haha, you should come hang out with us sometime! We're nice and we don't bite hard, I promise