So. School time again.
Yeah, I'm still taking part time classes long after I should've been "done" with school. Mine just started tonight (official start for the year was Wednesday last week, but as these are Tuesday only....)
Got about 5 classes to go for graduation and I'm in 2 of 'em now. A 400 level and a 100 level I never got around to. Going to be...interesting...
Not like anyone's reading me yet anyway.
Oh. And 9-11.
6 years ago my wife and I were in a hotel just across Arlington Nat'l Cemetary from the Pentagon (If you know the DC area, that means we were pretty close....) A day I'll never forget. I regret the lives lost then and since, and honor the memory of the brave.
Yeah, I'm still taking part time classes long after I should've been "done" with school. Mine just started tonight (official start for the year was Wednesday last week, but as these are Tuesday only....)
Got about 5 classes to go for graduation and I'm in 2 of 'em now. A 400 level and a 100 level I never got around to. Going to be...interesting...
Not like anyone's reading me yet anyway.
Oh. And 9-11.
6 years ago my wife and I were in a hotel just across Arlington Nat'l Cemetary from the Pentagon (If you know the DC area, that means we were pretty close....) A day I'll never forget. I regret the lives lost then and since, and honor the memory of the brave.
thx so mux for the feedback!!

yeah... i drove in ireland, too. it was about 6 years ago i think. and there were three girls in the car telling me how to get around. crazy, indeed. i'll never forget the difficulty we had with left-hand turns. the entire left/right thing was so confusing for some reason. automatic is the way to go. even at the extra cost. i've learned my lesson!