Gah! Yes I am the worst keeper-of-journals on the planet (exclsuing people wo don't even actually have journals, natch). I'd like to (re)join the SGUK group but I know that you are meant to have journal entries etc, so I suppose this is a test of how much I want in!
Actually Emmy has said she wants me to write some stuff, and I feel a bit guilty that I haven't.
Today I went to chat with someone about work and I showed them my CV. They really liked it. The woman was called Maxine and she was very cute - about my age too. She was kind of middle-eastern or latino looking - not sure and I figured I shouldn't ask her as she was meant to be giving me work advice (as I am still on disability benefits due to my manic depression). She had a kind of broken nose - well it looked kind of flattened across the bridge, but I think it made her look really hot. Ok I am a bit wierd! Unfortunately she has just got a new job so I won't see her again. I enjoyed going to see her these three or so times.
Later on today (well yesterday - ie Wednesday) I got my hair "cut". Actually I got a grade 1 - so it was almost shaved! I really liked how it felt and I think it looks good, but I realised later on when I went to the gym that some people were looking at me a bit funny. I think some of the young asian guys though I was some kinf o neo-nazi - at least they were really staring at me in a kind of shocked and scared way - they have seen me round before but maybe my hair is just a *little* bit too skin-head?
I will try and post up a picture soon (before it grows).
BTW - for anyone who doesn't know me, I am very liberal - a Green Party pot-head type.
Thursday night I am off up to an urban75 bookgroup meal in brixton and then the urban75 Offline party at the Dogstar. It should be good fun as I haven't been out for maybe three or so weeks.
I am now going to see if I can upload some photos to my galleries...

Actually Emmy has said she wants me to write some stuff, and I feel a bit guilty that I haven't.
Today I went to chat with someone about work and I showed them my CV. They really liked it. The woman was called Maxine and she was very cute - about my age too. She was kind of middle-eastern or latino looking - not sure and I figured I shouldn't ask her as she was meant to be giving me work advice (as I am still on disability benefits due to my manic depression). She had a kind of broken nose - well it looked kind of flattened across the bridge, but I think it made her look really hot. Ok I am a bit wierd! Unfortunately she has just got a new job so I won't see her again. I enjoyed going to see her these three or so times.
Later on today (well yesterday - ie Wednesday) I got my hair "cut". Actually I got a grade 1 - so it was almost shaved! I really liked how it felt and I think it looks good, but I realised later on when I went to the gym that some people were looking at me a bit funny. I think some of the young asian guys though I was some kinf o neo-nazi - at least they were really staring at me in a kind of shocked and scared way - they have seen me round before but maybe my hair is just a *little* bit too skin-head?
I will try and post up a picture soon (before it grows).
BTW - for anyone who doesn't know me, I am very liberal - a Green Party pot-head type.
Thursday night I am off up to an urban75 bookgroup meal in brixton and then the urban75 Offline party at the Dogstar. It should be good fun as I haven't been out for maybe three or so weeks.
I am now going to see if I can upload some photos to my galleries...