I've been thinking about my favourite songs recently. I don't really have favourite songs that I can say off the top of my head, its just that sometimes certain songs stand out because of the way the sound, but mainly because of what they are saying. Or what I think they are saying to me. One of my favourites that I've recently rediscovered is a song by the Dropkick Murphys called The Outcast. Its not one of thier most well known songs and I wonder if it stands out to anyone else. It reminds me of a part of my life, that wasn't the best period of time, but its a time I don't really want to forget. My favorite verse in this song goes like this:
If I can make a life, then I can save a life,
If I can save a life, will this life save me?
Time after time I still seem to find you're looking out for me,
So wrap your arms around me, hold me close and don't let go,
Let me lean on you as I think this through,
If I don't we'll never know.
And all the words you gave me,
I lost on bended knee
but you can't stop these cravings just by praying they would cease.
I'm not sure what whoever wrote it meant by those words but I know how I interpreted it to myself. Most of the time I don't feel like I need to know what artists meant by their work, I couldn't be an analysist. But I can know my only feelings about a song. I think that's why I'm so into punk music, espically british punk. It's social commentry, I can understand and relate to what's being sang or said. I get criticised by my metal head friends that punk's too simple and the music's not good enough. But they just completely miss the point. It's simplicity is half of what makes it so good, they say what they mean, no pretension. I get frustrated at people who slate punk without truely understanding it's purpose. Yeah, most of the singers can't sing, but that's what makes it even better to sing along with. I can't sing either
. It's got energy and half of it is about the everyday shit that everyone goes through and the other half is pointing out what's wrong in this world in an attempt to improve it. Simplicity is always deeper than pretention. Some people don't like the anger in some songs, but there are lots of things across the nation that are worth getting angry about. You should be angry. It helps me to notice the world around me, the good and the bad. I've written my own songs, which will never be shared with an audience, but I bet if someone heard them they'd get me a little bit more.
As it is I don't have many close friends.
If I can make a life, then I can save a life,
If I can save a life, will this life save me?
Time after time I still seem to find you're looking out for me,
So wrap your arms around me, hold me close and don't let go,
Let me lean on you as I think this through,
If I don't we'll never know.
And all the words you gave me,
I lost on bended knee
but you can't stop these cravings just by praying they would cease.
I'm not sure what whoever wrote it meant by those words but I know how I interpreted it to myself. Most of the time I don't feel like I need to know what artists meant by their work, I couldn't be an analysist. But I can know my only feelings about a song. I think that's why I'm so into punk music, espically british punk. It's social commentry, I can understand and relate to what's being sang or said. I get criticised by my metal head friends that punk's too simple and the music's not good enough. But they just completely miss the point. It's simplicity is half of what makes it so good, they say what they mean, no pretension. I get frustrated at people who slate punk without truely understanding it's purpose. Yeah, most of the singers can't sing, but that's what makes it even better to sing along with. I can't sing either

As it is I don't have many close friends.