Today I made damson gin, which is like sloe gin only cheaper becuase I can go outside and collect the damsons for free. It should be ready by christmas, might make a good pressent for my parents. If I can resist drinking it all myself that is.
Still been enjoying the sunshine, its been beautiful weather these past few days. Wish it's been like this all summer! Oh well, that's British weather for you. All the sunbathing has caused me to get hilareous tan lines. This might be a problem for my next photoshoot, I'm not sure a white outline of a bikini is that fetching! haha Ah well, I'll have to see how it looks. Won't be shooting for a few weeks yet though. Getting some good ideas together for what to do next. It's helped to fill up all the empty time I have now. I'm going to have a chat with my photographer sometime soon. Still no job. Not even an interview. I'm starting to worry a bit now, even though its only been a couple of weeks. Apparently the ressesion is over. Thats what the news was saying today. To be honest, that means fuck all to everyone who's unemployed at the moment. Wahey! The ression's over! Now magically all the jobs will come back! No...not when half the high street and both my local pubs have gone for good. Those spaces will be empty for a while. Maybe it means the rich people will carry on getting richer again, whilst everyone else who works to live struggles back to where they were before everything crashed. Watch out, I'm getting too political now. The next election will be interesting. If the Tories get in god help us all, and the stupid fuckers who vote for them.
Still been enjoying the sunshine, its been beautiful weather these past few days. Wish it's been like this all summer! Oh well, that's British weather for you. All the sunbathing has caused me to get hilareous tan lines. This might be a problem for my next photoshoot, I'm not sure a white outline of a bikini is that fetching! haha Ah well, I'll have to see how it looks. Won't be shooting for a few weeks yet though. Getting some good ideas together for what to do next. It's helped to fill up all the empty time I have now. I'm going to have a chat with my photographer sometime soon. Still no job. Not even an interview. I'm starting to worry a bit now, even though its only been a couple of weeks. Apparently the ressesion is over. Thats what the news was saying today. To be honest, that means fuck all to everyone who's unemployed at the moment. Wahey! The ression's over! Now magically all the jobs will come back! No...not when half the high street and both my local pubs have gone for good. Those spaces will be empty for a while. Maybe it means the rich people will carry on getting richer again, whilst everyone else who works to live struggles back to where they were before everything crashed. Watch out, I'm getting too political now. The next election will be interesting. If the Tories get in god help us all, and the stupid fuckers who vote for them.