Every now and then we have 100% drug test... That shit sucks It sucks because every morning we wake you we pee shower shave and get ready for pt at 5:45.. Well after they announce that we have no pt and drug test instead every says the same thing... Fuck, I shouldn't have pissed this morning. So then we wait in a 3 hour line...
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so today we started off at 5:00 am for a nice 5 mile run... Wasn't that nice haha it was raining the whole time ( mind you most of the time I love running in the rain ) but you add in the cool morning November breeze, even while your running in shorts and short shirt got pretty cold lol.
we are now packing and...
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not good times .. Why couldn't I go somewhere where it was warm haha.. On the up side I get to go snowboarding while I'm there and its only for 9 month so not to bad.
after a long week of work you would think it would be easy to sleep... but no haha wide awake and tomorrow is my first day off in like a month.. army life haha..
So i'm on a 24 hour sift of cq...Wooooo. It's so fun..not haha.I have just a few more Weeks till my mom and my little bro come and visit me and I can't wait I haven't seen my family in forever..shortly after I get to go home to see my whole family.I wish it was tomorrow haha.i'm a huge family person I'd do anything to...
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What up i'm Jon Chacon aka teddy haha, how u doin