Okay... I am almost exclusively a landscape photographer for brochures, web, etc. So I am trying my hand for the first time at a more artistically-centered series preliminarily titled "Un-Superheroes ...or... Generation Y vs. Adulthood." Originally, I sought to borrow techniques from SGPhotographer's own MIDI but as I was unable to imitate MIDI's style very well with my given equipment and skills I have been trying to come up with my own "look" which has been of the utmost difficulty. As I am so used to outdoor architecture and natural landmarks which pretty well light themselves in a vast space I went with a cramped bathroom using exclusively artificial lighting. Long story short, I did a preliminary shoot and below is my first photoshopped test of what came out with some of the other pics that I will be editing as I go. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS ARE ENCOURAGED. Also, thanks again to MIDI for the encouragement in trying out something new although I will continually seek to some how, some way imitate your work.