Well, things have no gone like I expexted. I didn't deploy, I just moved to another base here in Germany. I'm now in Graffenwoehr and won't deploy untill next February (Just in time for my 35th birthday). It's fine I guess, but it's a new unit and I don't have a job yet, and probably won't for a few weeks. I'm bored and all I can find to do is drink. Alot! I'm doing good, I just need a reason for being. At least if I deployed I woul have had a nitch, you kow? I'll report on my progress more now that I have internet here in my room. I hope everyone is doing great and you all take care!
More Blogs
Saturday May 16, 2009
Today is a wonderful day, the second most important woman in my life … -
Monday May 11, 2009
I just found out that there was a mistake with my dates for my 2 week… -
Thursday Apr 30, 2009
Today marks the first full week I have had the privalege to spend wit… -
Sunday Apr 26, 2009
It is amazing how the simplest things like love, compation and unders… -
Monday Apr 20, 2009
Well, it turns out that I was abe to make a deal and go home again fo… -
Tuesday Apr 07, 2009
Well, it's been over a year since I've been active here, but I'm back… -
Saturday Apr 12, 2008
Well, things have no gone like I expexted. I didn't deploy, I just mo… -
Tuesday Dec 18, 2007
Well it's officiall, I'm in Germany with the Army. I will be here ano… -
Friday Apr 27, 2007
Well I did it. I re-enlisted yesterday for another 4 years in the Arm… -
Wednesday Mar 21, 2007
Hello all of you stunning, beautifull, sexy ladies! I first found the…