Well, things have no gone like I expexted. I didn't deploy, I just moved to another base here in Germany. I'm now in Graffenwoehr and won't deploy untill next February (Just in time for my 35th birthday). It's fine I guess, but it's a new unit and I don't have a job yet, and probably won't for a few weeks. I'm bored and all I can find to do is drink. Alot! I'm doing good, I just need a reason for being. At least if I deployed I woul have had a nitch, you kow? I'll report on my progress more now that I have internet here in my room. I hope everyone is doing great and you all take care!
More Blogs
Thursday Jan 13, 2011
Just wanted you all to know, we wont be re-newing out membership. … -
Friday Nov 13, 2009
I am very close to leaving here in a few days and going back to Germa… -
Wednesday Jul 22, 2009
I am not doing so well right now. I'm getting more and more depressed… -
Wednesday Jul 08, 2009
Well, nothing new or exciting is going on, but I thought it was time … -
Sunday Jun 28, 2009
What a fucked up day all around. It's my one day off per week and it'… -
Saturday Jun 27, 2009
I got some good news today, I'll be going back to the states a little… -
Monday Jun 22, 2009
I am finally back "home" in Iraq and even though I'm not excited abou… -
Wednesday May 27, 2009
Today has finally arived, I'm leaving here and will be in my Love's a… -
Friday May 22, 2009
Sad sad news, I recently found out that my little Mini Scnauzer "Scha… -
Tuesday May 19, 2009
I am so proud and excited for my love, Gyllien! What a monumental day…