I said I wanted to rant and I do. I am just to lazy to type but I will give it a try. First I wanted to share this with all of my loyal readers.
Listen to this shocking sound clip
Anyways the other day I was driving to the all night Walmart. The police had a checkpoint on one of the main roads. It closed off one of the 2 lane roads and forced everyone in the Eastbound lanes into one lane. I asked the officer what was going on and he said it was a COMPLIANCE and safety check. I dont have a problem with the government wanting me to be safe, well I do have an issue.
My big issue is with the compliance part. I am an American (I know my Canadian reader may have some trouble with this

Our country was founded on some pretty awesome ideas. The idea that freedom for the individual wouldcome first as opposed to the majority is one that comes to mind. The idea that a government should only violate someones rights when that person violates the rights of others is an idea that our Founding Fathers respected highly. Yet we have a government that stops us to make sure we comply with them when they want.
What next? Will I need a travel pass to use the public roads? Papers please? Will I have to get a government authorization to cross the border into Indiana? Come on. What is wrong with people today? Have we lost the spirit of rebellion that inspired our forefathers to stand up against the tyranny of the hated British? No, now we have the police checking my license plate, my seatbelt, my headlights, and to make sure that I will follow orders from the state regarless of if there is a reasonable need for the order or not. And people by it because it does not inconvenience them all that much. My friend said it only took all of 10 seconds off of my drive. Its not the point though. If we allow them to take an inch they will take a mile. That's the simple truth.
Look at what we are doing here in my home state of IL. The county government just banned pistol magazines with a capacity of more than 10 rounds. Why? Because it will help lower the crime rate is their reply. That is not true and has been proven. They do it as a kneejerk response to a problem they cannot control. They banned "assault weapons" because they don't like the cosmetics of these guns. They say I don't need them. Who the fuck cares what they think? The 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights gives me the right to keep and bear arms. What they refuse to understand is that it is the Bill of Rights and not the Bill of Needs.
Should we ban Islam because extreme members of Islam attacked and murdered over 3000 people on 9/11? I mean its for the children and to protect people? You don't need extereme Islam, do you?
Its all about control. That's what it is really about. People don't understand that it seems. The 2nd amendment is there to ensure that we the people have the equipment and the means to overthrow the government should they become tyrants. It is the end all-be all amendment. But the government does not like the idea of people having the ability to do this so they attack our rights in small ways.
In this case it was the democrats along with a few republicans. Usually when it is an attack on the 2nd amendment it is a democrat leading the way. When it is an attack on the other amendments we can see a republican leading the march toward tyranny. And now I am stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Here are some good posters
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4
Picture 5
Plenty more can be found here http://www.a-human-right.com
I am sick of the government. I am tired of Bush and his bills to take away my rights in the name of Christianity. I am tired of the Patriot Act. And I am tired of living in fear of our governemtn.
I am even more afraid of the locals because they are fucking crazy. Blowjobobitch is crazy and is trying to destroy the 2nd Amendment in IL. He along with his political puppetmaster Mayor Daley are all to happy to do this. It must be easy to live without a personal handgun simply because you have bodyguards to watch you and your family.
I wonder if they have ever had a mob of people tearing shit up in front of their house? Have they ever had their house broken into? I had a few breakins in my house last year while living in Carbondale. Nothing like finding a crackhead/crazy standing in your living room at 4:00 in the morning. Then when you call the cops you find that he was booted from the bus station. He decided that he would come and stand in your house for the night. I wonder if they had that happen to them? Ever had 2 drunk frat guys walk into your house a 3:00 am sneaking through your house? Pretty scary when you find 2 people you never seen in your house walking into your roommates bedroom.
I don't understand the logic these people have. If you pass another law to combat crime it is pointless. The criminal will not, by definition no less, obey any law you pass. How does one think that taking my right to keep and bear arms will prevent a criminal from carrying a gun.
Its almost as pointless as the war on drugs. We made drugs illegal and look how that is turning out. I am sure that the drug epidemic has all but disappeared due to the fact they are illegal.
I don't understand the war on drugs. When prohibiton went into effect it took a Constitutional amendment to make alcohol illegal. Yet no amendment went into affect making cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and other drugs illegal. Yet the war on drugs rages on. We have a system that is filled with people whose only crime is possession of marijuana. That's ok right? What about the simple fact that we now have police raiding houses at the rate of 110 SWAT raids everyday? That is what the Cato institute says. Here is a map of botched Police Raids. What the fuck is going on? We have police acting like soldiers with body armor and "assault weapons" raiding peoples homes? Over what? Ask the 92 year old in Atlanta who was murdered while police served a warrant for a "John Doe or Sam". They then justified it due to the fact they found a small amount of pot. The horror!!! She had a fucking dime bag!!! Oh my god. She was 92 years old. The woman had her door kicked in around 7:00 pm (it was dark in Atlanta at the time) and had men come into her house after kicking the door in. They started screaming that they were police after the door was kicked in. She had already opened fire at the time and hit the police 5 out of 6 shots. The police returned fire and killed her. It was a big fuckup on her part to fire at the police. However if someone is kicking down your door and ripping it off the hinges would you wait to make sure it is not your local cops? It maybe to late at that time.
But luckily they found pot in the house to justify this. She is a criminal because of it. Well that's nice to know. What about the mention that they did not find "John Doe or Sam" and that their confidential PAID informant is recanting his statement. He is saying that he did not buy drugs there and they put him up to it.
Only time will tell, but I suspect the officers will be put back on sooner than later. It is reassuring that they are being investigated by the Feds but still I suspect they will be cleared.
I long for the days when men were free. Someone on one of the forums I frequent mentioned Sherlock Holmes. Imagine Sherlock Holmes and Watson. Sherlock Holmes often armed himself and had Watson arm himself with his service revolver when they went out. Sherlock Holmes was a cocaine user and nobody cared. Imagine a society where you are free to do as you please so long as it does not interfere with someone elses rights. What a concept.
You want to carry a gun? Fine don't shoot me.
You want to smoke a joint? Go ahead but please keep the smoke out of my face.
You want to worship a cockroach that lives in an empty tartar sauce can? Go ahead just please don't tell me about how much better your God is then mine.
Imagine being able to fly on an airplane without having to go through a governemtn search? If you don't feel safe I guess you don't want to fly with us.
Imagine 2 men who love each other getting married? If you disapprove then don't accept the wedding invitation.
Imagine the government staying out of your bedroom. The government does not have the right to legislate what you and your partner cannot do (assuming your partner is of legal age).
Imagine being able to travel freely from your country to the next without someone demanding to see your papers (at least on our side of the border)? Nice to know that you do not need a government stamp of approval to come into your own country.
Imagine not having to watch Uncle Sam take your money before you even spend it right out of your paycheck (that income tax thing). Instead if you buy something you pay the tax right then and there.
Imagine being able to speak freely without wondering if they are listening. What would you say?
These are the things our government was founded on. The ideas I just listed are very Libertarian in nature. Yet people do not vote Libertarian. The founding fathers were classical liberals and not like the liberals we have now. Nor are they the conservatives who are anything but conservative of the founding fathers true ideals.
I am sure I have more to say. As it stands I just wanted to vent and rant a little. It is frustrating watching my country getting destroyed from within. We sacrifice these rights in the name of safety/decency/religion without hesitation. And that is what scares me the most.
Some days I wake up and I forget that I am in the greatest country on Earth. That I have a government that was once based on the belief that our rights were given to us by a higher power and that no man could ever take them away. What happened to it? Did the socialists take over? Did the Nazis win the war? Am I in some sort of Russian relocation camp and the cold war is still on? Am I in Canada? (That one was for you M.)
Well I am off to bed. I will dream of freedom.
I leave you with a quote (well 2 but they are combined).
"I am convinced that those societies (as the Indians) which live without government enjoy in their general mass an infinitely greater degree of happiness than those who live under the European governments. Among the former, public opinion is in the place of law, & restrains morals as powerfully as laws ever did anywhere. Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves & sheep. I do not exaggerate. This is a true picture of Europe.
Cherish therefore the spirit of our people, and keep alive their attention ... If once they become inattentive to the public affairs, you & I, & Congress & Assemblies, judges & governors shall all become wolves. It seems to be the law of our general nature, in spite of individual exceptions; and experience declares that man is the only animal which devours his own kind, for I can apply no milder term to the governments of Europe, and to the general prey of the rich on the poor. ---- Thomas Jefferson, letter to Edward Carrington, January 16th, 1787
Canadian soil is where I'd rather be