Well the good news is I got a job. I work at Panera Bread. Its not that great a job but its a job. I was also able to work over the weekend for Rim which is nice. I spent the money on a few CDs that I have been wanting. Its nice to have some extra cash. I will be working part time at Panera but will get more hours come November. The cool thing is that they can transfer me to another location if I move to another state for school. The pay is $8.25 an hour.
I watched a movie called "Kinsey" last night. It is the story about a biology professor at Indiana University. I really enjoyed the movie and it made me think about teaching. I think it is something I might enjoy. I just have to figure out some things and continue with my schooling. I really want to go back to school. I kind of wish I had stayed at IU and took out the loans now that I look back on it. I want to go back to school and I like the looks of the the campus there. However I feel that University of Washington is the ideal place for me. I am hoping to hear back from them soon.
I get to work my first real day tomorrow. I am excited a little bit but at the same time I know I really dont much care for the job. I feel like I am back to the same shit. And I am. I worked there when I was 17 and I worked there again when I was 19, now I am working there again at 25. I really am tired of this. I will go back to school come January. Neither hell nor high water will stop me. I just have to figure out where I will go to school. Hopefully in Seattle but I will settle for Miami or Vegas. Maybe even Bloomington Illinois at ISU with my friends.
Onto a random thought... I decided that I really want a Sig 228 real badly. If any of my fans want to chip in for it I would be greatful.
I watched a movie called "Kinsey" last night. It is the story about a biology professor at Indiana University. I really enjoyed the movie and it made me think about teaching. I think it is something I might enjoy. I just have to figure out some things and continue with my schooling. I really want to go back to school. I kind of wish I had stayed at IU and took out the loans now that I look back on it. I want to go back to school and I like the looks of the the campus there. However I feel that University of Washington is the ideal place for me. I am hoping to hear back from them soon.
I get to work my first real day tomorrow. I am excited a little bit but at the same time I know I really dont much care for the job. I feel like I am back to the same shit. And I am. I worked there when I was 17 and I worked there again when I was 19, now I am working there again at 25. I really am tired of this. I will go back to school come January. Neither hell nor high water will stop me. I just have to figure out where I will go to school. Hopefully in Seattle but I will settle for Miami or Vegas. Maybe even Bloomington Illinois at ISU with my friends.
Onto a random thought... I decided that I really want a Sig 228 real badly. If any of my fans want to chip in for it I would be greatful.
Well, IU has a top 15 ed school...but its a lot of work, I'm in that program right now.