This was brought up in one of the groups I'm in, and I thought it was a brilliant idea. Since journals are all masturbatory ego strokes anyway (aside from maybe that of Legionnaire), I figure "Why Not?"
Today I:
- Looked at four houses in a not so nice area of town and fell in love with one whose celings went to heaven.
- Wrote a three page diatribe to the FCC about my place of business' localization initiative.
- Wished I was playing roleplaying games all day long.
- Had someone Force gripping my brain on the drive home from looking at houses.
- Did not see the preview of my sister's movie.
- Did not get any knitting done.
- Dressed like the Joker, because I can.
- Found an album I thought I'd lost. Where was it? Right where it belonged, between Angels of Light and Apples In Stereo.
- Was late to work.
- Had better ideas on what to write here while I was doing the dishes. This happens often. Most of my best thinking comes while doing dishes. I could be one of those dishwasher savants they always have in movies! Like Silent Bob, but the dishwasher in a restaurant! Everything I say is a golden nugget of wisdom, and everyone wants to be my friend but they're afraid of me because I am the crazy dishwasher lady who never takes a day off! And then Prince Charming comes off and whisks me away to never-never land which is filled with sinks and dishes to be done all day long. Dude, that would be Hell.
I sometimes think my life would be better if:
- I was six feet tall.
- I could actually be mistaken for being thin.
- I had smaller feet and then could rival Imelda Marcos in my shoe consumption.
- I had a dog.
- I were married.
Today I:
- Looked at four houses in a not so nice area of town and fell in love with one whose celings went to heaven.
- Wrote a three page diatribe to the FCC about my place of business' localization initiative.
- Wished I was playing roleplaying games all day long.
- Had someone Force gripping my brain on the drive home from looking at houses.
- Did not see the preview of my sister's movie.
- Did not get any knitting done.
- Dressed like the Joker, because I can.
- Found an album I thought I'd lost. Where was it? Right where it belonged, between Angels of Light and Apples In Stereo.
- Was late to work.
- Had better ideas on what to write here while I was doing the dishes. This happens often. Most of my best thinking comes while doing dishes. I could be one of those dishwasher savants they always have in movies! Like Silent Bob, but the dishwasher in a restaurant! Everything I say is a golden nugget of wisdom, and everyone wants to be my friend but they're afraid of me because I am the crazy dishwasher lady who never takes a day off! And then Prince Charming comes off and whisks me away to never-never land which is filled with sinks and dishes to be done all day long. Dude, that would be Hell.
I sometimes think my life would be better if:
- I was six feet tall.
- I could actually be mistaken for being thin.
- I had smaller feet and then could rival Imelda Marcos in my shoe consumption.
- I had a dog.
- I were married.
Dressed like the Joker, because I can.