When I am feeling under the weather for whatever reason, I dress up to the nines and go for a walk.
Being that I had a cavity spanning two molars filled earlier this morning, and have just now regained feeling (and thus pain) back in my lip: I have put on a halter top and a skirt and high heels.
And I am spending this time in this beautiful outfit ... doing laundry!
(I refuse to go on a walk to get coffee, because I already went into that neighborhood this morning wearing a dirty t-shirt and jeans which are in the massive piles of laundry to be done. Now, I normally change clothes about eight million times per day [especially when I have nowhere to go], and I always feel slightly ridiculous going back to a street that I visited not three hours before in particularly different clothing.)
(In other news, the large pile of clothes that was sitting between two dressers in the bedroom has been sorted thorugh and is now in about eight very large piles all throughout the bedroom. This means: (a) I must go through my clothing and give things away to Goodwill or (b) Put everything back in that space between the dressers to deal with later)
No, I meant what I said.

i'd happily send you cookies, but i'm not sure they'd be all that much worth having by the time they got to you. that said, if you're actually in Burkina Faso, one of my fave college friends is teaching English there for the Peace Corps and y'all could share...