There are things I need to keep telling myself. I need to keep telling myself that I am gorgeous and a force to be reckoned with. That I am good at things that I do, and that I never (in a rush to sound like a high school basketball coach) give less than 110% to anything that I do.
Whether I am knitting, playing on photoshop, talking into microphones, putting together an outfit, listening to friends, or anything, I am just beyond and beyond.
Both my boyfriend and my mother have said to me recently that it's amazing how much I listen. That they'll be talking to me and think that I'm not listening, and they'll trail off; at which point I'll jump in with solutions or words of encouragement or analysis. I do listen, I don't just blindly let my mind wander.
Have I told you yet that I am writing a book? Have I told you yet that my best friends are all within a three block radius of my house? Have I told you yet that my boyfriend and I are looking for houses?
I don't care what anyone says - the midwest is amazing. Yes, we get a bad reputation; yes we can be backasswards and the like; what you don't know is that we are incredibly astute and we listen to your big city pomposity and think about it on our own.
Yes I live in Ohio, but the county I lived in voted for Gore. My town has one of the highest gay to straight ratios in the country. Our economy is terminally on the rise. We have the greatest radiostation in the country. I have an apartment with a front and back yard.
Midwesterners are terminal tourists with wide eyes, but just thank your lucky stars that they're leaving the Midwest after all. The way you east and left coasters treat them, they might as well stay in Ohio and Iowa and leave your tourism in the dust.
(Can you tell that I watched one too many comedians making fun of Midwesterners last night? It's probably my greatest pet peeve: people who think that if one doesn't live in NYC or LA that they're basically not worth it.)
And I've met some great midwesterns. I've also met some really obnoxious ones. Just like anywhere else, really. It's just a stereotype that they're all conservative and stupid (I mean Iowa and Wisconsin went for Gore in 2000) just like any other dumb stereotype. I'm actually going to Iowa City for the 4th of July this year to visit a friend. Vive le Mid-ouest!