I love gorgeous weather.
I love wearing sandals in March.
I love not having to wear a coat in March.
I hate waking up twenty minutes before I have to be at work.
I hate coming into work with pillow tattoos all over my face.
I hate falling alseep in my clothes and sleeping in the same position all night and having my hips and legs hurt when I wake up.
I love League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
I love my boyfriend and his league of Zombie lovers.
I love playing StarWars and don't want to do anything else most of the time.
I hate the male half of the couple with whom we're having dinner tonight.
I hate the fact that I still smoke, but am having a hard time giving it up. (2 per day)
I love playing music.
I hate playing music at 11am.
I love being stronger than my male friends.
I hate not having any muscle definition.
As for special effects movies... I think there's a time and a place for cinematic escapism. It shouldn't be the raison d'etre of film, but not every movie needs to be a deep contemplation on the meaning of existence. I have quite a collection of stupid movies that are fun to watch.
Did you get the e-mail I sent yesterday? I've been having HUGE problems with that e-mail account, it was deleting messages left and right, so hopefully you got that one.